[Note that the Deadline has been extended to 31 DECEMBER 2022] Ever since the publication in 1976 of Perry Anderson’s Considerations on Western Marxism, the very notion of Western Marxism has been a reference point, a widely used categorization, and the object of intense debates and controversies. The idea that there is a particular version
Type: Call for Papers
Historical Materialism 18th Annual Conference Online 2021 – Call for Papers
The Return of the State? Anticapitalist Politics in a New Ecological Landscape Thursday 4th November – Sunday 14th November 2021 Deadline for abstracts: Monday 6th September 2021 Over the past decade, announcements of the ‘death of neoliberalism’ have recurred with alarming frequency. Each time, however, neoliberalism has returned from the grave. Whilst the Covid-19 pandemic,
Conflict and Contradictions – Denmark, 4-5 October
The Danish Society for Marxist Studies invites you to our annual conference. This year’s theme is “Power – Conflict and Contradictions” and the keynotes will be given by Marius S. Ostrowski (Oxford University) and Sara R. Farris (Goldsmiths, University of London). The conference will take place on the 4-5 October at the Danish School of
HM Melbourne, 6-7 December 2019
HM Melbourne Call for Papers A century after the defeat of the German Revolution, our world is still threatened by authoritarianism, imperialism, racial apartheid/s, and regressive attacks on women and LGBTQI people. The timescales of the biosphere have been thrown into disarray; globally a million species face extinction while locally, the Murray Darling Basin runs
Criticisms of Latin American neo-developmentalisms and reformisms – Journal of Studies and Research on the Americas
JOURNAL OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH ON THE AMERICAS ISSN: 1984-1639 DOI: 10.21057 Call for papers: Criticisms of Latin American neo-developmentalisms and reformisms The decline and relative failure of power projects conceived under the perspective of dispute and/or democratization of the institutions of post-dictatorial Latin American states, as well as their incapacity for structural transformation of
Challenging the Work Society: An Interdisciplinary Summit
CFP: Challenging the Work Society: An Interdisciplinary Summit 27.9. – 28.9. 2019 Birkbeck, London Keynote: Kathi Weeks Confirmed participants include: Aaron Bastani, Helen Hester, Sarah Jaffe, Philippe Van Parijs This September, Chase and Autonomy will hold a two-day conference on the future of work. We invite contributions from across disciplines that relate to the critique
Special Issue of Socialist History on: The British Labour Movement and Internationalism
Call for contributions – special issue of Socialist History on:The British Labour Movement and Internationalism In this era of Brexit, the British Labour Party and the wider labour movement face the twin challenges of globalised capitalism on the one hand, and an upsurge in backward-looking nationalism on the other. Siren voices call on Labour to
First Annual Meeting of Spazio Marx
First Annual Meeting of Spazio Marx For a Rereading of the Formen: Time and History in Marx 19-20 September 2019 Rocella Jonica (Calabria, Italy) We are pleased to announce that the first annual meeting of the research group Spazio Marx will be held on September 19-20th, 2019 at Roccella Jonica (Calabria, Italy). What will be discussed is the section
Critical Theory in (a Time of) Crisis – Sussex, 5-6 November
Critical Theory in (a Time of) Crisis A two-dayPostgraduate Conference Organised by the Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics & Ethics (University of Brighton) and the Research Centre for Studies in Social and Political Thought (University of Sussex) 5 and 6 November 2019 Day 1 University of Brighton; Day 2 University of Sussex Keynote speaker: Michael
150 Years Rosa Luxemburg—New Perspectives on Her Life, Work, and Impact
Call for Papers: 150 Years Rosa Luxemburg—New Perspectives on Her Life, Work, and Impact Berlin, March 5–6, 2020 In preparation for the 150th birthday of Rosa Luxemburg on March 5, 2021 the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is preparing a conference which should present new perspectives on the life, works, and impact of one of the most important personalities
The Nation and the Radical Left
THE NATION AND THE RADICAL LEFT – Call for papers https://www.sns.it/it/evento/the-nation-and-the-radical-left-call-for-papers PRACTICES AND DISCOURSES OF NATIONAL IDENTITY IN LEFT-WING POLITICS The conference aims to explore and evaluate the intricate relationship between national identity, nationality, and nationalism and left-wing, emancipatory and radical politics welcoming both theoretical and empirical papers on the following themes: Left-wing populism and nationalism The radical left and
Marxism and Group Dynamics
Michael Brie and Dieter Klein of the Institute for Critical Social Analysis at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin, Germany, published a projective plan for social renewal in the 2011 journal of International Critical Thought which took up the concept of a “Solidarity Society”. They listed several important goals towards a transformational society that realized the