Countering the Plague: Forces of Reaction and War and How to Fight Them
Countering the Plague:
Forces of Reaction and War and How to Fight Them
7–10 November 2024
Registration is open and Draft Programme is out
SOAS, Russell Square, Central London
For inquiries contact:
The Cost of Life Oppression, Exploitation and Struggle in the Time of Monsters
Whether the discussion is about reforming pension systems, overhauling health care or the sources of inflation, we are constantly reminded that life has a cost, a price to pay, a burden to bear. At the same time, we are also periodically reminded that not all lives are valued or priced in the same manner; some lives are cheaper and more expendable than others: from over-work and deteriorating living conditions for billions of ‘essential workers’ to police violence and incarceration; from sexual abuse and the denial of bodily autonomy to the socially determined vulnerability and ‘susceptibility’ during the pandemic; from the persistence of racialised exploitation and oppression to the many faces of neocolonialism; from militarised borders turned into kill zones to the ongoing climate disaster.
Facing the Abyss: An Epoch of Permanent War and Counterrevolution
Draft Programme
Survival Pending Revolution: Historical Materialism in a Pandemic Age
Deadline for abstracts: 15th June 2020
Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow
Taking on the Right
***The CFP is now closed.*** See below for programme and registration info.
Revolutions Against Capital, Capital Against Revolutions?
Limits, Barriers and Borders
Organised in collaboration with the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Committee and Socialist Register.
Austerity and Socialist Strategy
Making the World Working Class