What’s New – 9th July 2024

–  Now Online: Far-Right Antisemitism and Heteronationalism Building Jewish and Queer Resistance, by Peter Drucker

What’s New – 2nd July 2024

–  Book Launch: The Politics of Solidarity: The International Working Men’s Association 1873. The book will be available at a special launch price of £20.
Entry to the event is free but please register

What’s New – 24th June 2024

–  London book launch event for DELUGE: Gaza and Israel from Crisis to Cataclysm, 7.00 – 8.30pm on June 25th at Pelican House, Bethnal Green, with Jamie Stern-Weiner, in conversation with Ahmed Alnaouq, and Richard Sanders.

What’s New – 4th June 2024

–  Forthcoming:* Trouble in Paradise Twenty-Four Essays on the Social History of American Art, by Alan Wallach.

What’s New – 27th May 2024

– “Shadows without bodies: war, revolutionary nostalgia, and the challenges of internationalism”, with Dr Christina Heatherton, Wednesday 22 May 2024 6.30pm to 8.00pm, London School of Economics

What’s New – 14th May 2024

–  Now Online: Gaza: 7 October in Historical Perspective, by Gilbert Achcar

–  CfP HM annual Conference 2024

What’s New – 22nd April 2024

– Now Online: The Formal and Real Subsumption of Gender Relations Challenging the Transhistorical Status of ‘Patriarchy’, by Elizabeth Portella and Larry Alan Busk

What’s New – 18th December 2023

– Now online: preprint edition of the double-volume ‘Marxism and the Critique of Antisemitism’ special issue of Historical Materialism. Issue 32, 1&2:

What’s New – 28th November 2023

– Now Online: Robert Wedderburn’s ‘Universal War’: Anti-Colonial Universality in the Age of Revolution, by Ajmal Waqif

What’s New – 30th October 2023

– Subjectivation and Cohesion: Towards the Reconstruction of a Materialist Theory of Law, with Sonja Buckel (Kassel University), 13 Nov 2023, 5-7pm, Goldsmiths, University of London, RHB Room 137a