Special Issue for Radical Americas Journal Revolution and Counterrevolution in Latin America: an Aleatory Dialectic Guest Editors: Nicolas Allen and Óscar Ariel Cabezas. Nicolas Allen is a doctoral candidate in Literature at the University of Buenos Aires and a research associate at the Research Center for Left Cultures (CeDInCI). He is a frequent contributor to
Type: Call for Papers
Call for Abstracts 30th June: “Thomas Project. A border journal for utopian thoughts”
Call for Abstracts 30th June: “Thomas Project. A border journal for utopian thoughts” Next issue: UTOPIA AS A FORM OF LIFE http://www.thomasproject.net/call-ii-utopia-as-form-of-life-lutopia-come-forma-di-vita-a-utopia-como-forma-de-vida/ How can we think of utopia today? Is there any location now for its “spirit”? How can we reflect on the traditions of utopian thought by starting with the question about an “elsewhere”
Conference: Marxism(s) in Art Historiography – Berlin
Conference: Marxism(s) in Art Historiography Conference organized by: the Chair of Art History of Eastern Europe, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Vert.-Prof. Dr. Katja Bernhardt) In cooperation with: the Institute of Art History and Visual Culture (Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn) and the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO, University of Leipzig) Deadline: 12th July 2019 Date of the conference: 31st Jan.
After the “End of History”: Philosophy, History, Culture, Politics
Centre for Applied Philosophy, Politics and Ethics (CAPPE), University of Brighton 14thAnnual, International, Interdisciplinary Conference After the “End of History”: Philosophy, History, Culture, Politics Keynote Speaker: Esther Leslie, Birkbeck, University of London Wednesday 11th – Friday 13th September 2019 University of Brighton, UK Call for Papers: Thirty years after the end of the Cold War,
Labour history of socialist globalisation: The view from the shop-floor – Konstanz, 10-11 October
Labour history of socialist globalisation: The view from the shop-floorChair of East European History, University of Konstanz, 10-11 October 2019 The Chair of History of Eastern Europe at the University of Konstanz is pleased to invite applicants to a workshop exploring new developments in the labour history of globalisation in socialist Eastern Europe. Focusing on
HISTORIES OF FASCISM AND ANTI-FASCISM IN AUSTRALASIA Flinders University, Victoria Square Building Monday, 2 December 2019 In recent years, the far right has become a resurgent force across the globe, resulting in populist parties securing electoral victories, political groups marching on the streets and acts of right-wing terrorism. As the attacks in Christchurch and the
Reminder: Call for Papers for the Rethinking Sovereignty Stream in the Historical Materialism London Conference
Call for Papers for the Rethinking Sovereignty Stream in the Historical Materialism London Conference Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual London Conference 2019 Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow Central London, 7-10 November 2019 https://conference.historicalmaterialism.org/index.php/hmlondon/annual16 Call for Papers, Deadline 15 May 2019 For all queries, email only please: historicalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk Recently questions around sovereignty have
Reminder: Call for Papers for the Historical Materialism Sexuality and Political Economy Network (HMSPEN) Stream
Call for Papers for the Historical Materialism Sexuality and Political Economy Network (HMSPEN) Stream in the Historical Materialism London Conference Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual London Conference 2019 Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow Central London, 7-10 November 2019 https://conference.historicalmaterialism.org/index.php/hmlondon/annual16 Call for Papers, Deadline 15 May 2019 For all queries, email only
Reminder: Utopia & Post-Capitalism
Utopia & Post-Capitalism Open Call for Papers for the HM London 2019 Conference (This is not a stream throughout the conference but rather a theme around which we would like to particularly emphasise our desire for submissions.) Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual London Conference 2019 Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow
Reminder: A luta continua: Contemporary Radical Politics confronts Disaster Capitalism in the Middle East and North Africa
A luta continua: Contemporary Radical Politics confronts Disaster Capitalism in the Middle East and North Africa Open Call for Papers for the HM London 2019 Conference (This is not a stream throughout the conference but rather a theme around which we would like to particularly emphasise our desire for submissions.) Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual London
Reminder: Call for Papers for the Workers’ Inquiry Stream
Call for Papers for the Workers’ Inquiry Stream as part of the HM London 2019 Conference Sponsored by Notes from Below Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual London Conference 2019 Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow Central London, 7-10 November 2019https://conference.historicalmaterialism.org/…/hml…/annual16 Call for Papers, Deadline 15 May 2019 For all queries,
Reminder: Call for Papers for Race and Capital Stream
Call for Papers for Race and Capital Stream in the Historical Materialism London Conference Historical Materialism Sixteenth Annual London Conference 2019 Claps of Thunder: Disaster Communism, Extinction Capitalism and How to Survive Tomorrow Central London, 7-10 November 2019 https://conference.historicalmaterialism.org/index.php/hmlondon/annual16 Call for Papers, Deadline 15 May 2019 For all queries, email only please: historicalmaterialism@soas.ac.uk The resurgence