Call for Papers

150 Years Rosa Luxemburg—New Perspectives on Her Life, Work, and Impact

29th Jun 2019

Call for Papers: 150 Years Rosa Luxemburg—New Perspectives on Her Life, Work, and Impact

Berlin, March 5–6, 2020

In preparation for the 150th birthday of Rosa Luxemburg on March 5, 2021 the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung is preparing a conference which should present new perspectives on the life, works, and impact of one of the most important personalities in German history, especially of the political left in Germany. What is the value Luxemburg’s works have until today? What are the theoretical questions that have so far not been sufficiently addressed? What elements of Luxemburg’s life resemble the political developments of the German Kaiserreich (1871-1918), and which reflect the situation of politically active women in this period? All in all this conference intends to determine the significance of Rosa Luxemburg for political theory, the historical research about the German Kaiserreich, and the political discourse within the Left.

We ask scholars—especially young colleagues who are currently at the start of their scientific careers and represent young academia — to submit a proposal for a presentation of 15 minutes, which should address one of the three following topics:

  1. Life of Rosa Luxemburg: Breaks and changes? Companions and comrades?
  2. Work of Rosa Luxemburg—preferably in relation to other politicians of the German Kaiserreich: Influences? Enmities? Activities?
  3. Impact of Rosa Luxemburg: Perception? Interpretation? Commemoration?

Coordination of the conference: Prof. Dr. Frank Jacob (Nord Universitet, Norway) and Dr. Jörn Schütrumpf (Historical Center of the Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung)

A short proposal (max. 350 words) together with a short biography should be submitted until July 31,

Limited funds for travel are available and can be granted in special cases. Applicants should indicate with their proposal if financial support is needed. We, however, ask interested presenters to apply for travel funds at their home institutions.