Call for Papers

First Annual Meeting of Spazio Marx

3rd Jul 2019

First Annual Meeting of Spazio Marx

For a Rereading of the Formen: Time and History in Marx

19-20 September 2019

Rocella Jonica (Calabria, Italy)


We are pleased to announce that the first annual meeting of the research group Spazio Marx will be held on September 19-20th, 2019 at Roccella Jonica (Calabria, Italy). What will be discussed is the section of Marx’s Grundrisse dedicated to the forms preceding capitalist production, a subject of numerous classical and contemporary readings.  

The multiple aspects of pre-capitalist formations will be detailed paying attention to their internal differentiations and to the disruptive impact of capitalist system on them. Furthermore, we will attempt to identify the different modes of association investigated by Marx and the various meanings that concepts like man, individual, community, society take on in this notebook. The goal is to gain a new understanding of Marx’s reformulation of such questions.

The Formen are a crucial text even considering their proximity to the more celebrated Preface of 1859. While the latter displays time and history as belonging to the same process of development of the productive forces, the Formen turn to the structurally different modes of association preceding capitalist production, without placing them into a unidimensional pattern.   

Workshop Structure

The workshop will be introduced by a keynote speaker.

The workshop will take place at the ex-Convento dei Minimi, via Roma 7, Roccella Jonica (Calabria, Italy). The first day of the workshop will end at 18:30. The second day will end at 14:30.

Keynote speaker:

Emmanuel Terray (EHESS)


Anyone interested to present a paper related to the topics of the workshop is invited to submit an abstract (no longer than 1000 words) by emailing it to 

Abstract and paper can be presented in Italian, English, French, Spanish. 

It goes without saying that the topics of the workshop can be developed by commanding various texts both of Marx and Engels and the Marxist tradition.

The abstracts must be submitted in a formatted text (.doc, .docx, .rft, .odt) or, even better, in Portable Document Format (PDF). A person can submit no more than one abstract. The deadline for submitting abstracts is July 15, 2019.

By the end of July 2019 we should be able to send a notification to all email addresses from which the abstracts were sent. We will do our best to avoid any delayed notification and to prevent any inconvenience. Finally, we will provide the attendees with travel information, included a list of hotel accommodations. 

The final program of the workshop will also be available on the website