Towards a Definition of Social Reproduction Theory 

Historical Materialism’s London Annual Conference 10-13 November 2016  Please find here the audio recording of the conference’s closing plenary session that took place Sunday 13 November, 17.15-19.00. With Ashok Kumar, Tithi Bhattacharya, Susan Ferguson and David McNally. Chair: Ashok Kumar Tithi Bhattacharya – The Ontology of Labour Power: Producing and Social Reproducing Capital Susan Ferguson – The Child, the Market, and Capitalism: a

Financial Claims on the World Economy

Tony Norfield reviews François Chesnais’s Finance Capital Today: Corporations and Banks in the Lasting Global Slump, Brill, Leiden, 2016.   Tony Norfield worked for nearly 20 years in the dealing rooms of banks in the City of London, completing his role as Executive Director and Global Head of FX Strategy for ABN AMRO. He has a

Rethinking Popular Sovereignty: From the Nation to the People of a Potential New Historical Bloc

HM London 2016 conference: Panagiotis Sotiris on Rethinking Popular Sovereignty: From the Nation to the People of a Potential New Historical Bloc   Abstract[1] During the past decades traditional notions of sovereignty have been challenged in Europe. First, we have the erosion of sovereignty induced by the process of European Integration. Secondly, the new waves of

Marxist Theory and the Long Depression

HM London 2016 conference: Pete Green on Michael Roberts’s The Long Depression.   Pete Green is an independent researcher, retired Further Education lecturer and UCU activist in the UK.   The panel discussion of The Long Depression, therecent book by Michael Roberts, was one of the highlights of this year’s 2016 Historical Materialism conference in London. Michael himself

Globalizing the History of Capital: Ways Forward

The following article by Jairus Banaji is part of a forthcoming symposium on Alexander Anievas and Kerem Nisancioglu’s How the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism (Pluto, 2015) to be published in Historical Materialism. Anievas and Nisancioglu’s work has been recently awarded the International Political Economy Working Group Book Prize of 2016 (British International Studies Association)

Debating the rate of profit

HM London 2016 Conference: Panel on Michael Roberts’s The Long Depression   Michael Roberts is a private researcher who has worked as an economist in the City of London for over 30 years. He is the author of The Great Recession – a Marxist View (2009, Lulu Press) and The Long Depression(2016, Haymarket Publications). He has

Michael Roberts on US Profit Rates: A Critique and an Alternative View

HM London 2016 conference: Jim Kincaid on Michael Roberts   Jim Kincaid is an independent researcher based in Leeds, West Yorkshire (UK). Previously Senior Lecturer in Social Policy at Bradford University, he has been associated with Historical Materialism since 2002, first as member of the Editorial Board, and now as a corresponding editor. He has published articles in

Walter Benjamin: Fiction and Form by Esther Leslie

Talk given at Birkbeck, University of London, on 22 September 2016 for the occasion of the publication of Walter Benjamin’s The Storyteller: Tales out of Loneliness, Edited and translated by Sam Dolbear, Esther Leslie, and Sebastian Truskolaski. Illustrated by Paul Klee, Verso, London 2016 Walter Benjamin’s The Storyteller: : Tales Out of Loneliness is an edition of

Fishy Neoliberalism in Morocco

Miriyam Aouragh writes on the recent protests in Morocco following the death of Mohsin Fikri Poster by Contemporary Bart As Morocco’s streets roiled with protest, we looked with astonishment and even mistook some of the videos for scenes of the 2011 uprisings. It is not an exaggeration to say that, yet again, the whole country rose up.

Teschke by Souvlis & Andry

The following interview was originally published by Viewpoint Magazine on 18 August 2016, and was conducted by George Souvlis and Aurélie Andry in 2015. Benno Teschke is a Reader in International Relations at the University of Sussex and author of The Myth of 1648: Class, Geopolitics and the Making of Modern International Relations, about the relationship between Marxism and