Notes on Late Fascism

Alberto Toscano on Fascism This paper was first delivered as a seminar in February 2017 at Simon Fraser University. The author thanks Clint Burnham for the comradely hospitality and the participants for their critical engagement. A Greek translation can be found here. Alberto Toscano is Reader in Critical Theory and co-director of the Centre for Philosophy and Critical Thought at Goldsmiths, University of

The Eastern Origins of Capitalism?

A review of Alex Anievas and Kerem Nişancıoğlu’s How the West Came to Rule: The Geopolitical Origins of Capitalism (Pluto, 2015) For an alternative review, see our previous post by Jairus Banaji. Watch out for the symposium on the book forthcoming in theHistorical Materialism journal. Spencer Dimmock is a historian of late medieval and early modern England working in the

A Revolutionary Line of March: ‘Old Bolshevism’ in Early 1917 Re-Examined

Contrary to Leon Trotsky’s influential account, Bolsheviks in March 1917 opposed the Provisional Government and called for a revolutionary soviet regime. Eric Blanc is an independent researcher in Oakland, California. He is the author of the forthcoming monograph, Anti-Colonial Marxism: Oppression & Revolution in the Tsarist Borderlands (Brill Publishers, Historical Materialism Book Series). Photo Caption: Lev Kamenev reading Pravda

There is No True Life, If Not in the False One: On Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan Novels

Sara R Farris on Elena Ferrante.  Main photo: Six Shirtwaist Strike women in 1909, USA. Mary Dreier, Ida Rauh, Helen Marot, Rena Borky, Yetta Raff, and Mary Effers Sara R. Farris is a Senior Lecturer in Sociology at Goldsmiths College, University of London. She works on sociological and political theory, ‘race’/racism and feminism, migration and gender, with a particular focus

Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy

Kevin Murphy reviews Trotsky and the Problem of Soviet Bureaucracy by Thomas Twiss Dr. Kevin Murphy teaches Russian history at the University of Massachusetts Boston. His book Revolution and Counterrevolution won the 2005 Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize. His current research is on the Petrograd Soviet of 1917. Academia has never been very kind to Leon Trotsky.

Before Lenin: Bolshevik Theory and Practice in February 1917 Revisited

On the centenary of the Russian Revolution’s victory, Eric Blanc starts off our series of historical articles. Eric Blanc is an independent researcher in Oakland, California. He is the author of the forthcoming monograph, Anti-Colonial Marxism: Oppression & Revolution in the Tsarist Borderlands (Brill Publishers, Historical Materialism Book Series). Main photo caption: Petrograd protesters in early 1917 Introduction Assessing Bolshevik

Away with the Damocles sword of deportation!

Karl Liebknecht in 1907. A timely archive. Courtesy of Daniel Gaido originally published here. Karl Liebknecht’s Speech at the SPD party congress held at Essen in September 1907 “The resolution of the Congress of Stuttgart also determines our position on the question of deportation. That is emphasized here. It contains, under point 3 of the minimum

The Political Culture of Fascism

Jairus Banaji discusses fascism and its three best thinkers of the left, Rosenberg, Reich, and Sartre. This text is the transcript of a lecture given to the students and teachers of Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi, on 11th March 2016 as part of the JNU Nationalism Lectures series. Jairus Banaji is Research Professor in the Department of Development

The Concept of Indignation in Spinozist Marxism

Arthur Duhé replies to Frédéric Lordon at London HM 2016 on Spinoza, Marx and indignation. Arthur Duhé is a D.Phil Candidate in International Relations at the University of Oxford. His PhD thesis on Spinoza’s theory of international relations both aims to understand Spinoza in his own historical context and to link his philosophy to our contemporary issues. This talk was


  In memory of Mark Fisher (1968-2017), we republish from his blog k-punk the following text he presented at the 2009 London Historical Materialism Conference and posted on 29 November 2009. Mark Fisher contributed in many ways to the journal. His groundbreaking work will continue to influence us, as editors and contributors to developing Marxism worldwide and across various disciplines

Thinking about Money – Part I

Prof. Costas Lapavitsas and Dr. Geoffrey Ingham discuss ‘Thinking about Money’ on 18 January 2017 at the SOAS, London. The recording is part of the symposium and launch of Marxist Monetary Theory,a collection of papers by Costas Lapavitsas part of the HM book series published by Brill.  Money and finance are pre-eminent, even dominant, features of contemporary capitalism. Costas Lapavitsas