
What’s New? – 4th February 2021

4th Feb 2021

– Seminar in Contemporary Marxist Theory warmly invites you to a Book Launch: Routledge Handbook of Marxism and Post-Marxism, with Prof Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (Columbia University) and Dr Trevor Ngwane (University of Johnannesburg) in conversation with the Editors and Contributors, Wednesday 17 February 2021, 4-6pm GMT. Register here:

– The Revolutionary Karl Kautsky with Ben Lewis:

– Andrew G. Bonnell’s Red Banners, Books and Beer Mugs: The Mental World of German Social Democrats, 1863-1914 Reviewed by Daniel Gaido:

– Philosophy Graduate Conference: Afterlives of the Transcendental – Critiques and Actuality. Keynote Speakers: Antonia Birnbaum (University of Applied Arts, Vienna/University of Paris-8) and Howard Caygill (CRMEP). CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Graduate Students should send abstracts of under 300 words to: by the 26th March 2021