
What’s New? – 28th January 2021

28th Jan 2021

– Jacob A. Zumoff is the author of The Communist International and U.S. Communism, 1919-1929. His forthcoming book, The Red Thread: The Passaic Textile Strike, be published by Rutgers University Press in July 2021.


When and Why Did Self-Determination Become a Right for All Nations? Jews, Arabs, and the Marxist World Revolution by Professor James Renton, Edge Hill University, Tuesday 16 February 2021,12:00pm – 1:00pm, register here:


– You are warmly invited to the next seminar in contemporary Marxist theory: If you think this is bad, see what comes next… Racial capitalism and catastrophic business as usual by Professor Gargi Bhattacharyya, Wednesday, 3 February 2021, 4-6pm GMT. Please register here: