
What’s New? – 25th January 2021

25th Jan 2021

– Stuart Hood (1915-2011) – Scottish dominie’s son, Edinburgh University Communist student, Tuscan partigiano, reforming BBC executive, distinguished academic and admired Scottish novelist – died in Brighton at the end of January 2011. Marking the tenth anniversary of Hood’s death and the publication of Stuart Hood – Twentieth-Century Partisan (Cambridge Scholars Publishing: eds. David Hutchison and David Johnson), an online event – to which all are invited – will be held at 1730 GMT on Tuesday 26 January 2021. Contributors to the book, in addition to the editors, are Haim Bresheeth, Terry Brotherstone, Philip Cooke, the late Tony Garnett, Nick Havely, Hilary Horrocks, Robert Lumley, Alan Riach and Stephen Watts. For further details and sample chapters, see <>. To register for the event, go to <>.

– Now Out – Selected Political and Economic Writings – From the Hungarian Revolution to Orthodox Economic Theory in The USSR | Brill,

– Now Out – A Heterodox Marxist and His Century: Lelio Basso – Selected Writings | Brill,