
What’s New – 12th March 2021

12th Mar 2021

– ‘Theory in Crisis’ online session: a paper by Benjamin Noys entitled ‘The Crisis of the Future’ (26 March, 16h CET). See here for details and registration:

– CfP – Reproducing Scotland: Class, Oppression and Everyday Life, online on Saturday 22nd May. please submit an abstract of no more than 400 words by no later than 31st March. Submissions should be sent to Jenny Morrison at with the subject line SRT Conference.

– Etienne Balibar, LSE lecture Cosmopolitanisms: past, present, future?, Wednesday 21 April 2021, 6:00pm to 7:30pm,

– The Global Solar Commons, the Future That is Still Possible: A Guide for 21st Century Activists, by David Schwartzman, Free download at:

More info at:

– Book Announcement: Spectacular Logic in Hegel and Debord: Why Everything is as it Seems by Eric-John Russell, foreword by Étienne Balibar. Available now for pre-order in hardback from Bloomsbury Academic:

There is also a free widget preview available for both the book’s introduction and Étienne Balibar’s foreword:

– Global convocation, conducted by Zoom, brought together N. American, European, and Australian experts, in the context of Domenico Losurdo’s Nietzsche, Aristocratic Rebel, to debate, critique, and weigh Losurdo’s book, and the different subjects it raises.

Losurdo event, day 1 (Fluss, Holub, Beiner), Date: Feb 24, 2021 08:40 AM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Passcode: ATU*7.f4

Losurdo event, day 2 (Landa, Ruehl), Date: Feb 25, 2021 06:48 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Passcode: EFzhV&%6

Losurdo event, day 3 (Lemm, Abbey, Sharpe), Aci3Db#u