What’s New – 11th June 2024

11th Jun 2024

–  Out now from Verso Books: The Vote: How It Was Won and How It Was Undermined, by Paul Foot.

– Out now from Verso Books: The Automatic Fetish: The Law of Value in Marx’s Capital by Beverley Best.

– Out now in paperback from Verso Books – Work: The Last 1,000 Years by Andrea Komlosy. Translated by Loren Balhorn and Jacob Watson.


– Summer of Struggle: 40% Off ALL Haymarket Books. Here are some recent and recommended reads to get you started:


This includes 40% off ALL published Historical Materialism titles! Browse the full collection here:


– Now online and open access: Reading Capital’s Materialist Dialectic: Marx, Spinoza, and the Althusserians


– The international student-worker network Universities at War presents: Universities at War. Student-Worker Struggle in Time of Crisis.13th and 14th of July (2024) in Poznan, Poland.


– Beyond “Queer Muslim”: Towards a Subjectless Politics, An Event with Abeera Khan, 9 July 2024, 8pm BST (London) | 3pm EDT (New York), Online


– Out now from Verso Books — Engaging Erik Olin Wright: Between Class Analysis and Real Utopias, ed. by Michael Burawoy and Gay Seidman.

– Essays on Marx’s Capital: Summaries, Appreciations and Reconstructions, by Geert Reuten, Brill, 2024, 515 pages. Open access at:
