
We the Indians – The indigenous peoples of Peru and the struggles for land, London – 5 June

21st May 2018

We the Indians – The indigenous peoples of Peru and the struggles for land

by Hugo Blanco

Book launch and discussion

Derek Wall
Terry Conway
Jeff Webber

TUESDAY 5 JUNE, 7.30pm
at the Marchmont Street Community Centre
62 Marchmont Street, WC1N 1AB
(Kings Cross and Russell Square), London

What are the experiences of struggles in Latin America for land rights, decolonisation and justice for indigenous peoples? How do they inform the political strategy for socialists in Europe?

Hugo Blanco’s essays in We the Indians – The indigenous peoples of Peru and the struggles for land are a reflexion on politics based on his long life of struggle. Hugo Blanco led a peasant uprising in Peru for land rights in the early 1960s and at the age of 83 he is still politically active.

Hugo Blanco recognises that armed defence, electoral politics, and nonviolent struggles all have a place. But he also sees that the construction of community institutions can lead to revolutionary transformation. Having been a member of parliament in Peru, he is sceptical of prioritising purely electoral politics but is aware that it can open space for more radical change.

We the Indianspublished by Resistance Books, is the English edition of a book previously published in Spanish, and has an introduction by Eduardo Galeano. Read here a review of the book by Derek Wall.


Derek Wall is a former Green Party Principal Speaker, he teaches political economy at Goldsmiths College, University of London and is currently working on a political biography of Hugo Blanco. He is the author of Elinor Ostrom’s Rules for Radicals: Cooperative Alternatives beyond Markets and States and Economics After Capitalism: A Guide to the Ruins and a Road to the Future. 

Terry Conway edited We the Indians for Resistance Books.

Jeff Webber teaches politics and international relations at Queen Mary, University of London. He sits on the editorial board of Historical Materialism, and is the author of Red October: Left-Indigenous Struggles in Modern Bolivia and  The Last Day of Oppression, and the First Day of the Same: The Politics and Economics of the New Latin American Left.