
Wars of Position: Marxism and Civil Society International Conference

19th Apr 2017

International Conference

Wars of Position: Marxism and Civil Society

8-10th June 2017

People’s History Museum, Manchester, UK


Key-note speakers: Jodi Dean, Neil Faulkner, Kevin Morgan


This international conference brings together: analysis of the theory and practice of twentieth-century Marxist parties in relation to civil society; analysis of contemporary Left formations’ approaches to civil society; and analysis of the ‘idea of communism’ today and the relevance or obsolescence of ‘the party’ in the twenty-first century.


Book (deadline 26th May): http://estore.manchester.ac.uk/conferences-and-events/faculty-of-humanities


Full price/concession: £100/£65 (three days), £40/£25 (Thursday), £30/£20 (Friday, Saturday)


Further details:



Book accommodation (deadline 10th May):



Contact: warsofposition2017@manchester.ac.uk