
SocietyMarx and Philosophy Society: Annual Conference

6th Apr 2018

Marx and Philosophy Society: Annual Conference

Capital and Capitalism

Saturday 9th June 2018, 9.30-5.45

Room 828, Institute of Education, University College London, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Main speakers:

  • Patrick Murray (Creighton University): ‘Marx’s Concept of Capital and the Illusion of the Economic’
  • Elena Louisa Lange (University of Zurich): ‘Whose Labour Theory of Value is it anyway? On the Classics, Marx, and the Interpretative Hegemony of Value Form Theory’
  • Alfredo Saad Filho (SOAS): ‘Reading Capital in the 21st Century.’

Graduate and early career panel:

  • Sara Farah (University of Minnesota): “Political Economy as Theology: Re-examining Marx’s theory of alienation”
  • Andres Saenz De Sicilia (University of Roehampton): “Capital and Capitalism: Production, Reproduction and Subsumption”
  • Alexis Ioannides (Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences): “Method and Critique in Marx’s Capital”

Further details (including abstracts): http://marxandphilosophy.org.uk/society

Directions: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/maps/ioe

Admission is free

Please reserve a place in advance by emailing Eric-John Russell at johndavid.correspondence@gmail.com