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Now in Paperback: What Went Wrong? The Nicaraguan Revolution: A Marxist Analysis

11th Apr 2018

What Went Wrong? The Nicaraguan Revolution: A Marxist Analysis

Dan La Botz

An indispensable re-examination of the failures of the Nicaraguan Revolution, by one of the most important Marxist historians of Latin America.

When the Nicaraguan Revolution overthrew the Somoza Regime in 1979, it inspired radicals across the globe. And yet its promise and potential was extinguished by the early 1990s – a failure which the author attributes to the Sandinistas’ lack of rank-and-file democracy and the consequent concentration of power in the hands of Daniel Ortega.

ISBN: 9781608468232 · £24.99 · 400 pages · PB · Available now in the US, April 2018 UK release

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