New Book

Now in Paperback: Revolution, Defeat and Theoretical Underdevelopment: Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia

11th Jul 2018

Revolution, Defeat and Theoretical Underdevelopment: Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia

Loren Goldner


A wide-ranging and critical examination of twentieth-century revolutionary movements across four major ideological traditions and countries.


The historical studies presented here examine four ideologies — Leninism, Trotskyism, anarchism, and anti-imperialism — still with us, however different and diffuse in form. In approaching these critically across cases from Russia, Turkey, Spain and Bolivia, the book contributes to the current renaissance of Marxism, while distancing this from the legacy of ‘real existing’ twentieth-century attempts at building revolutionary alternatives.


ISBN: 9781608468188 · £24.99 · 264 pages · PB · Available now

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