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Now in Paperback: Reform, Revolution and Direct Action amongst British Miners: The Struggle for the Charter in 1919

13th Jul 2018

Reform, Revolution and Direct Action amongst British Miners: The Struggle for the Charter in 1919

Martyn Ives


In this riveting monograph, Ives offers a new perspective on one of the most volatile periods in British labor history.


While other historians have skated over the labor unrest of 1919, focusing instead on the general strike of 1926, Martyn Ives uncovers a remarkable incidence of unofficial mass strikes in the coalfields, waged against mine-owners, the government, and trade union leaders. Led by revolutionaries, this mass movement also offered a glimpse of an alternative road to socialism.


ISBN: 9781608468195 · £24.99 · 368 pages · PB · Available now

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