
Neoliberalism and Ordoliberalism: One or Two Critiques – London, 12 December

8th Dec 2017


(Centre for the Study of States, Markets & People) 

School of Business & Law, University of East London 

Annual Research Colloquium 


“Neoliberalism and Ordoliberalism: One or Two Critiques?” 

Tuesday 12 December 2017, 14.30pm – 19.30pm. Venue: USS G.19/20, University of East London, 1 Salway Road, London E15 1NF (five min walk from Stratford tube station) 

Speakers and participants include: Professor Werner Bonefeld (York University), Dr. Gareth Dale (Brunel University), Professor Bülent Gökay (Keele University) Professor Bob Jessop (Lancaster University) and Dr. Mike Wilkinson (London School of Economics) 

As the Euro-zone enters its ninth year of crisis and Britain posits itself for a hard Brexit, it is now widely accepted that German/Austrian ordoliberal policy principles — de-politicisation of central bank, deflationary policy and strong state — have long been institutionalised in the EU. But if the ordoliberal public policy in the Euro-zone and beyond manages EU processes, then what are its points of divergence and convergence with Anglo-American neo-liberalism — which some North American scholars identify as “New Constitutionalism”? If neo-liberal financialisation as a form of public policy could not arrest the slow and protracted decline of American Empire since the late 1960s, can German ordoliberalism re-launch the process of European integration, and on what policy basis? Was ordoliberalism a deliberate, post-war, policy plan to dominate Europe’s various state executives, or did it come about structurally and by way of France’s and Italy’s persistence to engage Germany in a currency union in order to control its superior industrial and monetary might? Under what forms of political governance, law and civic consciousness can neo-liberalism and ordoliberalism best operate? Are Michel Foucault’s analyses of the “ordo” phenomenon and “biopolitics” still relevant today? Last but not least, do we need one or two comprehensive critiques for these two separable, but not separate, public policies? These are some of the pertinent questions the STAMP Colloquium is proposing to address, launching a new research programme in the fields of global and European history, public policy, constitutional law and international relations. 

For further information about the workshop, please contact: 

Mr Seun Alele, e-mail: O.Alele@uel.ac.uk 


(Centre for the Study of States, Markets & People) 

School of Business & Law, University of East London 

Annual Research Colloquium 


“Neoliberalism and Ordoliberalism: One or Two Critiques?” 


14.30 – 14.35 Lisa Mooney, Pro-Vice Chancellor (UEL) “Welcome” 

14.35 – 14.45 Vassilis K. Fouskas (UEL) “Opening Comments” 

14.45 – 15.15 Gareth Dale (Brunel) “Ordoliberalism as a German Product: Origins, Evolution, Purposes” 

15.15 – 15.45 Werner Bonefeld (York) “Stateless Money and State Power: Ordoliberal Insights and Capitalist Organisation” 

15.45 – 16.30 Questions & Answers [Chair: Iwa Salami (UEL)] 

16.30 – 17.00 Tea/Coffee 

17.00 – 17.30 Bülent Gökay (Keele) “One neo-liberalism or many?” 

17.30 – 18.00 Mike Wilkinson (LSE) “Authoritarian Liberalism: Exception or Norm?” 

18.00 – 18.30 Questions & Answers [Chair: Priscilla Schwartz (UEL)] 

18.30 – 19.00 Bob Jessop (Lancaster) via skype “Financialization, Ordoliberalism, Neo-liberalization and the State of Permanent Austerity” 

19.00 – 19.30 Conclusions and ideas about how to take this research programme forward. Bob Jessob to be engaged via skype