
Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and India – SOAS, 5 June

29th May 2019

We are delighted to welcome Dr Joerg Nowak to Soas to talk about his new book Mass Strikes and Social Movements in Brazil and India: Popular Mobilisation in the Long Depression. 

Date:  5 June 2019

Time: 17.00-19.00

Where: Soas, University of London, Paul Webley Wing, Room: SWLT 

This book explores new forms of popular organisation that emerged from strikes in India and Brazil between 2011 and 2014. Based on four case studies, the author traces the alliances and relations that strikers developed during their mobilisations with other popular actors such as students, indigenous peoples, and people displaced by dam projects.

The study locates the mass strikes in Brazil’s construction industry and India’s automobile industry in a global conjuncture of protest movements, and develops a new, non-eurocentric theory of strikes that can take account of the manifold ways in which labour unrest is embedded in local communities and regional networks.