
Marx’s Species Being, Ecology and Feminism – Los Angeles, 21 July

17th Jul 2019

Marx’s Species Being, Ecology and Feminism:  Theorizing a Marxist-Humanist Alternative to Capitalism

Sunday, July 21, 2019

6:00-9:00 PM

Poetic Research Bureau

951 Chung King Road, Chinatown, LA 90012

(near Chinatown stop on Gold Line, parking on street or paid lot next to gas station at College and Hill St.)


Heather Brown, author of MARX ON GENDER AND THE FAMILY

We live in an age of growing environmental catastrophe that threatens the very bases of human civilization (if not all life on the planet) as well as deepening gender oppression on many fronts.  While the two topics do not seem closely related on first glance, the root of each problem is similar—the transformation of human beings and nature into objects for use and possession by some.  As Marx notes, this process of alienation transforms humanity’s communal nature into its opposite—a selfish egoism which cares for nothing other than possession.  However, at the same time that this is happening, there are also openings for a return to more communal and humane form of life.  We will be exploring these possibilities for developing an ecologically sustainable, non-exploitative, non-sexist society using Marx’s notion of species being.

Suggested reading:

Heather Brown, “Ecology, Feminism, and the Renewal of Marxism,” THE INTERNATIONAL MARXIST-HUMANIST, September 1, 2018 https://www.imhojournal.org/page/2/?s=BROWN

Copies of MARX ON GENDER AND THE FAMILY will be available at a reduced price.

Sponsored by West Coast Chapter, International Marxist-Humanist Organization

More information: <arise@internationalmarxisthumanist.org>




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