
Marxist Sociology Blog

16th Nov 2018

From the editors of the Marxist Sociology Blog: 

We are delighted to announce a relaunch of the Marxist Sociology Blog!

It is a public sociology blog aimed at publishing Marxist theory, research, commentary and debate for a general public audience. 

We will be regularly publishing short articles (around 1,000 words each) in accessible language with minimal academic jargon. We conceive of marxist sociology in the broadest sense, spanning modern academic disciplines and covering economy, politics, culture and history. The blog publishes articles from Marxists of all theoretical schools and academic disciplines.

Most of the work published in the blog will be commissioned by our editorial team, but we will consider publishing unsolicited articles. For the latter, please send a one paragraph summary of your proposed article to the editor-in-chief, Mike McCarthy. Blog articles may summarize published or present commentary, news analysis, or debates.  

You can read the inaugural article here. The first three articles have been published:

Was the gravedigger thesis central to Marx’s theory of the working class?” by Matt Vidal

Radical black feminism and the simultaneity of oppression” by Rose Brewer

Is sociology stuck in the middle? The uses of Marxist general theory” by Mike McCarthy

You can follow the blog on Twitter @marxistsoc and Facebook.

In solidarity,

Matt Vidal (founder) and Mike McCarthy (editor-in-chief)