
Lecture and Debate – London, 8 November; Paris, 9 November

4th Nov 2017

[London] Alternatives to Capitalism: Internationalism, Theory and Revolution


Kevin B Anderson, author, Marx at the Margins (as chairperson and commentator)

Jonas Grahn — Engels and the Housing Question Then and Now: Reflections on Value Production versus Human Needs

David Black, author of The Philosophical Roots of Anti-Capitalism — The Situationist Critique of Council Communism and 21st Century ‘Precarity’

Heather Brown, author of Marx on Gender and the Family — Transcending Gender, Uprooting Capital: Marx and the Family

Wednesday, 8 November 2017
7.30 pm
The Artists Room, Conway Hall, Red Lion Square
London WC1R 4RL (5 mins from Russell Square tube)


Sponsored by the International Marxist-Humanist Organization



 [Paris] Debat avec Kevin B. Anderson (Universite de Californie, auteur de Marx aux antipodes, Syllepse, 2015) et Frederic Monferrand (prefacier)

Jeudi 9 novembre a 18h30
Les editions Syllepse et le P’tit coup de rouge du 11e
vous invitent a un
Debat avec Kevin Anderson (Universite de Californie, auteur de Marx aux antipodes, Syllepse, 2015) et Frederic Monferrand (prefacier)
Actualite de Marxisme et liberte de Raya Dunayevskaya (Syllepse, 2016)
177 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris (metro Alexandre Dumas)