New Book

Launch of New Militant, an Independent Left Publication

3rd Jun 2018

New Militant has been launched as an independent left wing magazine with an initial focus on Latin America. Our first issue contains translations of a number of important historical documents (A new translation of the Thesis of Pulacayo, a joint statement by the ERP, MIR, Tupamaros and ELN, selections from Roque Daltons “A Red Book for Lenin”) as well as biographical and historical articles on figures from the Latin American Left.

While we hope our translations and historical work can help contribute to scholarship, it is a decidedly non-academic venture. The goal is to center the kind of theoretical and historical debates which are meaningful to left activists but often ignored by academia. The publication is independent of any particular left party, but hopes to feature and discuss many of the debates within the organized left.

Our long term ambition includes rethinking the way an editorial project of a left publication works. We want to build a platform powered by donations and subscribers in which supporters will decide what editorial costs and projects are justified vs what should be sent directly to writers. Our hope is that this can provide a limited solution to the problem of unpaid labor by left journalists and writers. Plans to implement this lie considerably in the future, however as a short term solution we welcome writer’s inclusion of Patreon, Paypal or other information to be included with an appeal at the end of any article.

More information and our launch statement can be found here:

The contents of the first volume are available at:

We have also begun publishing news stories focused on Latin America where the core expertise of current volunteers lies. We welcome submissions around any subject of interest to the far left and we hope to organize interviews with as well as review the work of Marxist scholars both inside and outside the University.

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