Call for Papers

I International Abolitionist Conference – Buenos Aires, 18-19 May

29th Jan 2018

I International Abolitionist Conference

First Circular

May 18th and 19th, 2018

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

University of Buenos Aires (UBA)


Towards a true abolitionism



            In view of the unique discourse which prospers in the media and the Academy advocating the “sex work”, the aim of this Conference is to foster abolitionism as an instrument to fight against the pimping system and to defend people in prostitution. It is an attempt to visibilize the voice(s) of the survivors and those who preceded us in the struggle, here and there all around the world, as well as to honor those who have been referents of the national abolitionist movement and are no longer here: our transvestites peers, Lohana Berkins and Diana Sacayán.

            We seek to shift the focus of the debate from prostituted people to the systemic dimension of the issue. We aim to make visible the responsibility of the male johns, essential cornerstones of patriarchal oppression and, therefore, of class exploitation.  Not only does this type of sexuality affect prostituted people, it affects women as a group due to a degrading social imagery for all feminine identities. The john is, moreover, an accomplice of the transnational organized crime which coopts people for sex trafficking networks. Prostitution is the institution in which men dispute, agree, deliver, purchase, steal and give away the bodies of women, transvestites and transsexuals as mere goods and objects to exchange.

            The abolitionist system, introduced in Argentina along with the ratification of the Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others in 1949, commits the State not to prosecute the people in prostitution neither to register them for that reason or to demand medical examinations of any kind. Instead, it compels the State to prosecute pimps and traffickers who benefit from sex exploitation. Almost seventy years after, however, prostitution and trafficking are increasing in the country, which shows the purely formal character of that abolitionism.

            That is the reason why, the undersigned organizations call for proposals by feminist groups, political parties, social organizations, defenders of human rights, survivors, people in prostitution, artists and intellectuals. Extensive invitation sent out to those whose aim is to build a better society.




  • To gather the latest theoretical and empirical contributions on prostitution and trafficking and to promote critical thinking of the pimping culture.
  • To socialize successful experiences in building alternatives to prostitution.
  • To raise awareness of the issue in an audience not familiar with the issue from an abolitionist perspective.
  • To disseminate the struggle of prostitution survivors, as well as that of the families who seek justice for the victims of the pimping system.
  • To generate networks with the abolitionist movement from other countries in order to share experiences and set new directions.
  • To foster the unification of the abolitionist struggle in view of the advance of the legalising approach.




            There will be presentation tables with papers and debates. There will also be panels with survivors of the pimping system and peers who will tell us about their experiences in fighting it.

On the second day, debate workshops will be developed according to different areas and for the purpose of unifying strategies and agendas. Monitoring of the derogation of art. 68 from the Code of Offences (Misdemeanors) in Buenos Aires Province. #NiUnaMasEnLosCalabozos (NotOneWomanMoreInTheDungeons) campaign.

            We invite you to send us proposals, as well as papers, for presentations and cultural and artistic activities, including book launches, performances or others related to the event.

There will be a plenary session and a balance for closure, in order to organize the agenda and summarize activities.


List of topics


History of the abolitionist struggles in Argentina and the rest of the world.

Sex politics: the pimping ideology.

The great silence: the psychophysical damage of prostitution.

Traffickers, pimps and state complicity: brothels, their link to trafficking routes and the economic flows of money from sex exploitation.

Legislation, different models of public policies dealing with prostitution: the prohibitionist, the legalizing* and the abolitionist systems.

Communicative strategies for the prevention and questioning of the pimping culture.


Submission guidelines


Abstract submission: 200 words maximum, 12 pts. Times New Roman with 1,5 line spacing, including full name of the author, email address and organization. The deadline for the submission of abstracts will be March 31st 2018.

Papers should be submitted before April 30th 2018 and should not be longer than 8 pages.


Convening organizations


Furia Trava|

RATT Argentina (Red Alto al Tráfico y a la Trata)

Trece Rosas – Razón y Revolución


Location: 480 Puan St., Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

To send contributions and for further information, please write to the following email address: