
​​​​​​​Echoes of Revolution, 1848-1918 – University of East Anglia, 17-18 February

5th Feb 2018

Echoes of Revolution, 1848-1918. Revolution, Nationalism and Socialism.

School of History, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. 17-18 February 2018.

Organised and hosted by UEA School of History in conjunction with the journal Socialist History and the Institute of Working Class History, Chicago.

As the old European powers approached exhaustion in the Great War, a wave of revolutionary struggles broke out across the continent, from Ireland to Russia. Mass movements articulated class, social and national aspirations as states fragmented and empires, dynasties and rulers were toppled. But relations between these movements and their component parts were anything but simple. National claimants contested for control of disputed territories in the name of self-determination. Class and social movements struggled with one another over who should rule in the successor states, and in whose interests. These struggles left a lasting legacy which helped shape European politics for decades.

As a pivotal year in European history, 1918 begs comparison with other pivotal years, in particular 1848, in which many similar social and national aspirations came to the fore. This conference will look at and compare movements for radical social and political change of those revolutionary years. We are seeking papers to be presented at the conference on any aspects of revolution, nationalism and socialism anywhere around the world during, around or across the years 1848 and 1918. Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the journal Socialist History. Attendance at the conference will be free of charge, but we ask that anyone wishing to attend registers in advance. Proposals for papers and any enquiries should be submitted to Francis King.

This is the first list of the papers to be presented at the conference, which will run from 10.30 on Saturday 17 February to 16.00 on Sunday 18 February. This list may be subject to amendment between now and then. The programme will be posted on this site in due course. The conference is free of charge to presenters and audience, but to book your place, please follow this link.

Éric Aunoble (University of Geneva)
The Revolution of 1848 in Eastern Galicia: An Impossible Legacy for the Ukrainian left?

Ian Birchall (London)
Simultaneous revolution?

Romain Bonnet (EUI Florence)
A counter-revolutionary vanguard? The Jaunes, organized violence, and strikebreaking in Belle Époque Europe

Rodrigo Pereira Chagas (Federal University of Roraima)
1848, The Praieira Movement under Neocolonial Liberalism in Brazil

Katherine Connelly (Arcadia University, London)
“Order prevails in Warsaw!”

Steve Cushion (London)
Death at the Frontier

Antonie Doležalová (Robinson College, Cambridge and Faculty of Social Science, Charles University, Prague)
The 1918 in Czechoslovakia: A Social or National Revolution?

Samuel Foster (UEA, Norwich)
Reviving the Völkerabfälle: The South Slav Left and the Creation of the First Yugoslavia

Alan Hooper
National and social revolution, 1848/1918: towards Gramscian ‘intellectual and moral reform’.

Francis King (UEA, Norwich)
Improbable nationalists? Social democracy and national independence in Georgia 1918-1921

Giuseppe Maiello (University of Finance and Administration, Prague)
The Glottophagy of the Czech language

Merilyn Moos (London)
From revolution to counter-revolution: Germany 1918-1933

Olena Palko (Birkbeck, London)
The social and/or national revolution(s): national communism in Ukraine during the civil war years

Giorgio Potì (EUI and American University, Rome)
Flirting with Lenin in Paris: The Egyptian Revolution of 1919 and the French Left

D. R. O’Connor Lysaght (Dublin)
Marxism and the Irish National Question

Karsten Ruppert (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt)
The French Revolution of 1848 or how a republic abolished itself

Sara Ann Sewell (Virginia Wesleyan University)
Forging a Revolutionary Identity through Ritual

Damian Winczewski (University of Szczecin)
Friedrich Engels and Revolutionary Warfare