Call for Papers

Dying Marxists

6th Aug 2018

Publication – call for testaments – deadline August 12
Athens faction dinner – early November as part of the Athens Biennale

Dying Marxists is a group for Marxists who happen to be dying, creating space for politics about, in and after death. We are currently working on a publication containing testaments of Dying Marxists; statements or answers to some questions that can be done via e-mail, dictated in a phone, written by hand, or any other method that suits. The texts will be published by the Biennale.

As well as the testaments of Dying Marxists we are also interested in speaking with specialists in Marxism and death, touching on themes that could include eschatology, inter-generationalism, speculative theory, or anti-humanism. 

We’re leaving it up for Dying Marxists to define themselves and their status; most of the group are senior or terminally ill Marxists, some believe that Marxism is dying, or the planet, or that everyone is dying, all the time.

To take part of find out more email Quenton at