Call for Papers

Dossier State, economy and social classes in contemporary Latin America

30th Nov 2018

Dossier State, economy and social classes in contemporary Latin America

Editors: Adrián Marcelo Piva (UBA) e Danilo Enrico Martuscelli (UFFS).

Between the end of the 1990s and the present, Latin America has undergone significant political, economic and social changes, which may have failed to call into question its subordinate status in the context of international capitalist relations, but succeeded in affecting: (a) the capitalist accumulation and the form of State consolidated in the continent until then; (b) the relationship between State, economy and social classes; (c) the structure and class relations historically constituted; (d) the political regimes and the existing forms of representation; (e) economic, social and external policies implemented by the governments of the region, etc. At the political-electoral level, candidates who presented themselves as critics of the free market orthodoxy and who were truly in the process of political isolation in the 1990s started to score, with popular support, political victories in the presidential elections of the 2000s – as evidenced by the victory of Hugo Chávez in Venezuela, Lula in Brazil and Evo Morales in Bolivia. Almost two decades have passed since the beginning of this movement, and it is now necessary to carry out a critical assessment of these political experiences, which have arisen over statements that they would be alternatives to neoliberalism. The dossier State, economy and social classes in contemporary Latin America aims to stimulate the development of analyses reflecting on the changes that have taken place in the last twenty years in seven specific Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Uruguay and Venezuela. The dossier will host comparative or case studies which stand at the interface of Political Science with Sociology, Economics, History and other related areas, and will prioritise works which carry out a more global analysis of these social and political units from the 1990s to the present time.

Call for papers will be open until December 15, 2018; unpublished texts will be accepted in Portuguese, Spanish and English.

Contributions should be submitted through the journal’s online system:…/…/index.php/mediacoes/about/submissions…

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