Call for Papers

Corporate Power in Global Society II—Challenging Limits and Expanding Horizons

11th Mar 2018

The IGLP is pleased to announce that from June 2-3, 2018, the IGLP will host an international conference at Harvard Law School to showcase innovative thinking about global law and policy.  We look forward to welcoming scholars from around the world who bring new ideas and perspectives to comparative and international legal research and policy.  We invite all those who have participated in our network–and those who would like to join with us–to come to Cambridge and share your ideas. The 2018 Conference will offer the opportunity to reconnect with colleagues, meet others who share your intellectual passions, present your research, and engage with innovative scholars from around the world. 

We are currently accepting submissions for IGLP Conference Panels and Conference Papers! If you have an idea for a Panel or are interested in presenting your work at the conference, please fill out the appropriate form. We particularly encourage alumni of past Workshops to submit proposals.

We look forward hosting IGLP alumni and friends, and hope you will find the Conference a useful opportunity to share your ongoing research. The deadline to submit your proposal is March 16, 2018.

IGLP 2018 Conference – Panel Application

IGLP 2018 Conference – Paper Application