
Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) Graduate Conference – London, 7 June

29th May 2019

Registration is now open for the 2019 Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy (CRMEP) Graduate Conference.


Friday 7 June 2019, 09:45–18:00.

Clattern Lecture Theatre (PRMB0012)

Kingston University, Penrhyn Road Campus

‘For Germany, the critique of religion has been essentially completed, and the critique of religion is the prerequisite of all critique. ‘
– Marx, ‘A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right: Introduction’

This edition of the CRMEP Graduate Conference solicits reflection on two series of questions. Firstly, what was the ‘critique of religion’, in nineteenth-century Europe, and why did it become the axis and fundamental experience of several generations of European philosophers? Given that ‘religion’ itself was a recent invention (and a philosophical construction), what were the stakes of the sudden refraction of long-standing social and spiritual conflicts through its lens? What can we do with these stakes, working today with discourses to which these ‘critiques of religion’ have been tributary?

Secondly, given that irreligious philosophies have crystallized in so many other contexts in the last two millennia, within and beyond Europe, is there any coherence in this larger collection? What borrowings, inversions, and false repetitions traverse it? And, if we cease to identify critique, Europe and modernity, what position does the ‘critique of religion’ occupy within this broader history?

Please register so that we can gauge attendance for coffee and tea breaks: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/crmep-graduate-conference-irreligion-and-the-critique-of-religion-tickets-61226142039.

Ètienne Balibar – Problematizing religion: truth, authority, difference

Olga Lucia Lizzini – Intellect, imagination and the role of philosophy: exploring the interpretation of religion in classical Arabic philosophy

Marie Chabbert – Nancy’s critique of the (eternal) return of religion

Pauline Clochec – What does the critique of religion mean during the Vormärz? The case of Marx and the Young Hegelians

Austin Gross – World-loss and its religion: the death of God between Hegel and Hellenism

Mimi Howard – Heidegger’s Early Christianity: genealogy, critique, and the place of politics

Jakub Kowalewski – After the end of a (certain) world: apocalyptic prophecy as a political critique in Maimonides’s The Guide for the Perplexed

Ramón Soneira Martínez – The ‘noble lie’ of the poets: unbelief and critique of religion in Ancient Athens

Michał Pospiszyl – Opicinus de Canistris and the deterritorialization of political theology in the early 14th century

Julia Wilam – A Cartesian Plot

Ayşe Yuva – The materialist Turkish Ottoman authors of the end of the 19th century and the critique of religion