
Carlo Vercellone on The Common as a Mode of Production – Queen Mary University of London, 14 December

13th Dec 2017

 Carlo Vercellone presents The Common as a Mode of Production. Towards a critique of the political economy of common goods.

     Hosted by the Research Centre on Labour and Global Production
     Thursday 14 December, 4-6pm, City Centre Seminar Room, 2nd Floor, The
     Bancroft Building (31 on the map), Queen Mary University of London E1 4NS

     The paper is available here:

     What is the common? What are its foundations? Is it a set of well-defined resources – so called common goods – or a generic principle governing the social organisation of production? These are important questions: the debate on the Common is as rich as it is confusing. On the one hand, notions such as the common, in the singular, and commons, common goods, common property, common-pool resources, are at times used as synonymous and at others as opposite, without definition. On the other hand, debates frequently lose sight of the extent to which these terms are being used to cover highly differentiated approaches not only to theory, but also to the political role that the common might play in projects of social transformation. The purpose of the paper is to present a critical analysis of the main economic and legal theories of common goods, in particular Elinor Ostrom’s contribution and the debate on the so-called tragedy of the commons, and put forward an approach that is alternative to that of political economy, one where the common is understood as an actual “mode of production”.

The Common as a Mode of Production is a book published in October 2017. About the authors: Francesco Brancaccio Research Fellow at the Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne, Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne. Alfonso Giuliani Researcher at the Centre of Economics at the Sorbonne, Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne where he teaches Comparative Economic Theories. Pierluigi Vattimo is a PhD candidate of International Studies at the University of Naples “L’Orientale” and the Université Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne. Carlo Vercellone is Professor of Economics at the Université de Paris 8 and a member of CEMTI and of the Laboratory of Economics at la Sorbonne.

Other works by Carlo Vercellone include:
Wages Rent and Profit, presentation at the Research Seminar Series on The Art of Rent, Queen Mary University of London (;
From formal subsumption to general intellect: Elements for a Marxist reading of the thesis of cognitive capitalism. Historical Materialism 15 (1): 13-36, 2007 (;
From the crisis to the ‘Welfare of the common’ as a new mode of production. Theory, Culture & Society 32 (7-8): 85-99, 2015. (
Research Profile:…/Carlo_Vercellone/publications