
Book Launch: Palestine Ltd. Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory – 6.00pm, Monday 23 January, 2017, SOAS

18th Jan 2017

Palestine Ltd. Neoliberalism and Nationalism in the Occupied Territory

Toufic Haddad

6.00pm, Monday 23 January 2017
Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS University of London

Russell Square WC1H 0XG

Admission Free – All Welcome

In Palestine Ltd. (IB Tauris, 2016), Toufic Haddad explores how neoliberal frameworks have shaped and informed the common understandings of international, Israeli and Palestinian interactions throughout the Oslo peace process. Drawing upon more than 20 years of policy literature, field-based interviews and recently declassified or leaked documents, he details how these frameworks have led to struggles over influencing Palestinian political and economic behaviour, and attempts to mould the class character of Palestinian society and its leadership. A dystopian vision of Palestine emerges as the by-product of this complex asymmetrical interaction, where nationalism, neo-colonialism and ‘disaster capitalism’ both intersect and diverge. Review of Palestine Ltd.

Palestine Ltd. is the first book in the SOAS Palestine Studies series, a collaboration between IB Tauris and the Centre for Palestine Studies.

Toufic Haddad holds a PhD from SOAS, University of London. He is co-author ofBetween the Lines: Israel, the Palestinians and the US War on Terror (2007) and previously worked as a journalist, editor and researcher in Jerusalem, including for different UN bodies.

Chair: Gilbert Achcar, SOAS

Organised by: Centre for Palestine Studies

Information: E vp6@soas.ac.uk