
Being-for-itself:, Kingston University – 16 November (NEW DATE)

31st Oct 2018

A Continuation of the Dialectic of Hegel’s Science of Logic

Workshop Seminar

16 November 2018 (no longer the 9th)
Penrhyn Road Campus, Kingston University

Continuing with our chapter-by-chapter workshop seminar series on Hegel’s Science of Logic, we will continue from Existence [Dasein] to the third chapter “Being-for-itself”. The first half of the day will be devoted to the transition from the dialectic of Finitude and Infinity to “Being-for-itself as such” (pp. 108-132). After a lunch break, the second half of the day will focus on sections “The one and the many” and “Repulsion and Attraction” (pp. 132-151), thereby completing the section of the book on “Quality”.

We propose to use the recent Cambridge University Press edition of Hegel’s Science of Logic, translated by George di Giovanni (2010). That said, we will also occasionally refer to the original German text as well as the older A.V. Miller translation for comparison if occasion calls for it.

Attendees are expected to have read the text and engage in a discussion prompted by a series of questions. The workshop will be facilitated by Borna Radnik and Eric-John Russell (PhD Candidates at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy).

For a PDF of the readings or any other inquiries, please contact: K1543754@kingston.ac.uk.

The workshop is free to the public and new attendees are welcome.

