
Argument Issue on Ernst Bloch

3rd Apr 2018

New Issue of “Das Argument”: Updating Ernst Bloch (Aktualisierung Blochs)

Edited by Jan Rehmann

The most recent issue of “Das Argument”, number 325 provides a thorough evaluation and update of Bloch’s philosophy. “When we read Bloch anew, we do this at a time of manifold crises, which contain the twofold possibility of a catastrophic continuation and a new democratic-socialist as well as ecological awakening” (editorial).

These are the contributions:

Jan Rehmann compares Bloch with Gramsci and interprets his approach as a particular strand of a philosophy of praxis.

Beat Dietschy re-reads Bloch’s Heritage of our Time and applies it to today’s Right-Wing Populism.

Matthias Mayer analyzes the ambiguous meanings of “Heimat” in a multicultural society.

Roland Boer applies Bloch’s concept of >Non-Contemporaneity< to the current contradictions of Chinese socialism.

Wolfgang Fritz Haug traces the development from Marx‘ meta-critique of religion to Bloch’s “transcending into this world”.

Daniel Queiser investigates the methods by which Bloch reads Aristotle and how he construes a leftwing-Aristotelian Line.

Jennifer Cotter criticizes a so-called feminist “New Materialism”, which erases dialectics and thus loses its critical edge against neoliberal capitalism.

In the debate section, Tilman Reitz investigates the “cultural war” within the leftist party, and Thomas Wagner analyzes the ideological framework of German rightwing-populist intellectuals.

The cover is to be found here:

The table of content and the editorial are to be found here: