
Agrarian Change Seminars Term 1, 2018-19 – SOAS

4th Oct 2018

Agrarian Change Seminars Term 1, 2018-19

Journal of Agrarian Change and Department of Development Studies, SOAS

Room FG01 (Faber Building), SOAS

17 October, 5.15 pm

How Lives Change: Seven Decades of the village Palanpur, India Himanshu (Jawaharlal Nehru University)

24 October, 5.15 pm

Class differentiation and agricultural dynamics without expenditure data or tears: Malawi and Zambia, 2002-2015 Martin Prowse

31 October, 5.15 pm

Profiting from Instability? Traders, Farmers and Inequality in US Agriculture Joseph Baines (King’s College London)

14 November, 5.15pm

Caste, Class and Agrarian Transition in Western Tamil Nadu, India Judith Heyer (Oxford)

28 November, 5.15 pm

Women’s Work in Mozambique: Gender Relations, Social Differentiation and Social Reproduction Sara Stevano (University of the West of England (UWE) Bristol)