Call for Papers

9th International Marx & Engels Colloquium

26th Feb 2018

9th International Marx & Engels Colloquium

Marxist Studies Centre- Cemarx at University of Campinas – Unicamp

Campinas (SP), Brazil,  July 2018 


The 9th International Colloquium Marx and Engels of the Marxist Studies Centre (Cemarx) will be held from 17 to 20 July 2018 at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences at Unicamp. Papers should be submitted by March 20th 2018: (The form is in Portuguese, but in case of any problem regarding to the language, please contact us:


General Information

The 9th International Marx & Engels Colloquium accepts three modalities of participation: papers (to be presented in Thematic Groups), Roundtables and Posters. In all modalities, the submissions have to achieve one of the following aims: a) to have the Marxist theory as their subject of research in order to analyse this theory, criticize it or develop it; and b) to utilize the Marxist theoretical framework in empirical researches. The submitted papers and proposal must fit into the event’s Thematic Groups (see below).

Each researcher can make only one submission. One modality has to be chosen. In case of papers, it is necessary to indicate which Thematic Group they fit in. Occasionally, the 9th International Marx & Engels Colloquium Organizing Committee might reallocate the papers from one group to another. 

The 9th Colloquium’s Thematic Groups are the following:

TG 1 – Theoretical work of Marx and Marxism

Critical examination of Marx and Engels’ work and classical Marxism works in the 19th and 20th centuries. Polemics stimulated by Marx’s theoretical work.

TG 2 – Marxism

Critical examination of the different branches and schools of Marxist thought and their transformations during the 19th and 20th centuries. Theoretical work of Brazilian and Latin American Marxists. Issues on the renovation of Marxism. 

TG 3 – Marxism and Human Sciences 

Examination of the Marxism’s influence on Economics, Sociology, Political Science, Anthropology, History, International Relations, Law, Geography and Social Work. Examination of the Marxist critique of Human Sciences and the contributions of Human Sciences for the development of Marxism. Marxist theoretical polemics and conceptual developments in these areas of knowledge. The presence of Marxism in the Brazilian and Latin American universities. 

TG 4 – Economy and politics 

The Marxist approach to economical, political and social transformations of capitalism at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. New accumulation patterns of capital, new imperialist phase, transformations of the State and capitalist democracy. The condition of dominant and dependent countries. Brazil and Latin America. Capitalism and ecology.

TG 5 – Class relations and social struggle  

The Marxist approach to the transformations of class structure. Laborers, working class, “new working class” and “middle class”. The petite bourgeoisie. The peasants in current capitalism. The current debate on the decline of class polarization in the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The working classes and the new configuration of the bourgeoisie. The social classes in Brazil and Latin America. The Marxist concept of social class and class struggle in contemporary capitalism. Social movements and popular protests in local and international context. 

TG 6 – Work and production 

Social Theory, labor and production. The labor theory of value and contemporary capitalism. Theoretical conceptions on production structure. Production processes: process of valorisation and process of work. Control and management of the production process. Class struggle in production. Theories on the affirmation and denial of the “centrality of work”. The new forms of labour exploitation: immaterial labour, casual labour, precarious labour and informational work. Work and social emancipation.

TG 7 – Gender, race and sexuality 

Reflection on gender, race and sexuality relations, and their role in the reproduction of capitalism. Analysis of the relationship between exploitation and oppression, and configurations of the social, sexual and racial divisions of labor today. Discussion on consubstantiality/ intersectionality of social relations and the Marxist theory. Debates on politics, Marxism and feminist, black and LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) movements.

TG 8- Education, capitalism and socialism

The relationships between the educational system and capitalism according to the Marxist perspective: training of workforce; education and social classes; ideology and educational process; educational policy. The Marxist analysis of education in Brazil and Latin America. The cultural apparatuses of capitalism (universities, research centres). The cultural centres created by the socialist movement. Analysis of the innovative educational experiences in the societies emerged in the revolutions of the 20th century. Marxist theory and education.

TG 9 – Culture, capitalism and socialism

Capitalism and cultural production: the new tendencies; plastic arts, literature and cultural industry. Marxist analysis of culture in Brazil and Latin America. Culture and socialism: the cultural movements in the societies originated in the revolutions of the 20th century. Marxism and cultural production.

TG 10 – Socialism in the 21st century

Marxist analysis of the 20th century Revolutions. The communist and socialist heritage of the 19th and 20th centuries and the socialism of the 21st century. Marxism and socialism. The issue of renovation of socialism. The theory of transition to socialism. Workers and socialist transition. Strong points and obstacles for the reconstruction of the socialist movement in the 21st century.

Modalities of submission (Portuguese, Spanish or English)


Papers can be based on on-going or finished research (research projects do not fit in this modality). Papers should have between fifteen and twenty thousand characters (including spaces and footnotes), in 12 points Times New Roman font format. Submissions must not exceed this limit; otherwise, it will be rejected. Papers should include proposed title, author’s name and position (professor, lecturer, post-graduate student, independent researcher). Papers should clearly define the topic/subject that will be examined, including theses and arguments, and making explicit the debate (theoretical, historiographical or political) within the paper is inserted. Important: papers should follow the citation rules displayed at Cemarx’s website. The accepted papers will be published in the Annals of the colloquium. Some papers may subsequently be selected for publication in books organized by Cemarx or in the journals associated with the latter. In such cases, the author should do a review of the text submitted having, therefore, the opportunity to develop the paper further.

Registration fee: US$ 35.

2. Roundtables

Roundtables are proposals submitted by groups, research centers or even scientific and cultural associations. A Roundtable is composed of a set of at least three and no more than four presentations. For a roundtable, the submitted proposals should be more developed than those submitted as communication papers in thematic groups. Only a small number of roundtables will be accepted. The coordinator of the roundtable must submit in his/her proposal including the title and summary of the roundtable in which there is a brief explanation of the topic addressed. After submitting the proposal and his/her own paper, the Coordinator must indicate the full name and email of other members. They, in turn, will submit their own papers on a proper form. The submission of participants’ paper of the roundtable must follow the same format that was specified in the general information (see above). 

Registration fee per member of roundtable: US$ 35 

3. Posters

The 9th International Marx & Engels Colloquium is open for participation of undergraduate students who can present scientific initiation papers whose subjects fit in one of the Thematic Groups of the colloquium. 

The paper abstract should have between three to five thousand characters (including spaces and footnotes) in Times New Roman font format, 12 points. The paper should include title, author’s name and the undergraduate course in which he/she  is enrolled. Papers should present the research’s subject and its main ideas and information. The poster submission format will be published at Cemarx’s website. 

Registration fee: 15 US$


Submission of papers

Papers should be submitted by March 20th. Researchers should fill in the on line submission form at Cemarx’s website ( The form is in Portuguese, but in case of any problem regarding to the language, please contact us: Foreign researchers can pay the registration fee only during the event. 

 Notification of Acceptance 

 Accepted papers will be divulged at Cemarx’s website by April 2015.

Important dates

Deadline for registration March 21st,  2018

Disclosure of accepted submissions April 30th , 2018

Date of the Colloquium  July 17th to 20th, 2018