Call for Papers

4th International Conference on Labor Theory of Value and the Social Sciences

24th Apr 2018

4th International Conference on Labor Theory of Value and the Social Sciences

Thursday 18 – Friday 19 October 2018

University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

Speakers include: Gérard Duménil, Claudio Katz, Raquel Raichelis.

We invite submissions that raise (or answer) questions on Marxian Labor Theory of Value and its role in Social Sciences.

Papers should address the following topics:

1) Revolutions and Counterrevolutions – a historical balance and 170th anniversary of Communist Manifesto

2) Political Economy of New Latin American Coup D’État and Authoritarianism

3) Labor Value Theory and Crises

4) Labor reforms and reduction of social rights in a global perspective

5) Social Policies and crises of capital

6) Political theory, authoritarianism and democracy

7) Gender, race and class

8) Imperialism, Dependency and Latin America

Deadline for proposal submission is July 27, 2018


Decisions on acceptance will be informed by August 31, 2018

Guidelines for Submissions

Please email your paper to unb[dot]gept[at sign]gmail[dot]com

Papers should comprise no more than 5,000 words (inc. references, all appendices and other material), and i) Paper’s title; ii) Author(s)’ name and affiliation; iii) Three key-words; iv) a 100-word abstract; and v) Author(s)’ contact information: mail address, country of residence, telephones and email. Please email papers to unb[dot]gept[at sign]gmail[dot]com

Speakers will be asked to make short 10-15 minute presentations addressing the main topics of their papers.

Registration for accepted communications will be paid at the registration desk.

For general questions and further information, contact the organising committee through the email unb[dot]gept[at sign]gmail[dot]com or visit

The 4th International Conference on Labor Theory of Value and Social Sciences is a two-day conference collectively organized by the Group for Study and Research on Labour (Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa sobre o Trabalho – GEPT/UnB).