The 36th International Labour Process Conference 2018
Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Buenos Aires, 21-23 March 2018
Buenos Aires is a multifaceted city that concentrates the symbolic and material elements of political and economic power and is a culturally and intellectually lively city. It is also a disproportionate megalopolis with huge social contrasts and the preferred site for social and political mobilization. The conference will be held in the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, located in the city centre.
Call for papers and streams
Class is back at the centre of the debate across the social sciences. From political economy to anthropology, from development studies to geography and from sociology to feminist studies, questions related to labour, its contemporary composition, configuration and position within currently existing capitalism, have been increasingly framed in class relations of inequality. Moreover, the return of the working class at the centre of politics makes class a timely issue to be discussed. The conference, to mark the border crossing to the southern hemisphere, will thus aim to add a class perspective to its traditional focus on work and employment relations in the broader political economy and to be the ideal meeting point to ‘cross borders’ between scholars from different disciplines and international backgrounds.
Abstracts and Submissions
ILPC focuses on three moments of labour: labour processes, labour markets and labour organizing Traditional topics that we would welcome submissions on include:
Labour process theory; Global value chains and the labour process; worker resistance, industrial relations and trade union strategies
Labour market and employment policies; Skills, knowledge and occupation; Regulation, institutions, and the labour process
Voice and participation Migration and work; Gender and identities at work
The special theme of the 2018 will be Class and the Labour Process We particularly welcome empirical and theoretical submissions on the following topics:
Working classes formation in the world economy;Labour and urban transformations, the workplace and everyday life
Labour and global capitalism geographical re-configurations: borders, corridors, special economic zones; Precarious work and the informal economy
The feminization of labour; Dispossessions, migrations and forced labour
Labour process transformations, trade unions and class organizing; Social movements, work and anti-capitalist strategies
Work, commons and alternative economies; Capital contradictions, work and social change; Work and value production in the sharing and digital economy
All abstracts are externally refereed. Papers must not have been previously published or presented elsewhere. The abstract should contain clear information about the topic, how it is being investigated and the intended contribution to knowledge. Abstracts relating to new empirical research should contain information about theoretical orientation,findings, methodology and the stage of the research.Abstracts of papers that are concerned solely with theoretical or conceptual matters will need to provide clear information about the nature of the anticipated advance or innovation.Abstracts should be between 350-500 words.
Call for Symposia
Proposals are also welcomed for special symposia based on some form of roundtable self-contained discussion and/or activists researchersinterchanges of such topics rather than paper-based sessions.
The deadline for submissions of abstracts and proposals for symposia is 31st October 2017 via the ILPC website (
Call for Special Streams
Most abstract are submitted to the general conference. However, we welcome proposals for special streams, especially if they involve international collaborations. Proposals will be evaluated on two central criteria: the focus of the stream involves issues not normally covered by traditional ILPC topics, or treats these topics in a novel way; the stream will broaden the audience for the conference. If you would like to organize a special stream, please submit proposals, less than 750 words, to
The deadline for special stream proposals is July 1st and decisions on acceptance will be made July 31st 2017.
The Organising Team
Maurizio Atzeni, Clara Marticorena and Julia Soul, Centro de Investigaciones Laborales, CEIL/CONICET; Jeronimo Montero, Flacso/CONICET and University of Buenos Aires; Rodolfo Elbert, Gino Germani Institute/CONICET and University of Buenos Aires