New Book

1956: John Saville, EP Thompson and The Reasoner

23rd Jan 2017

Paul Flewers and John McIlroy (editors), 1956: John Saville, EP Thompson and The

Reasoner (Merlin Press, pp 450, ?20)


When Nikita Khrushchev denounced Stalin in his ?Secret Speech? in 1956 the

leaders of the Communist Party of Great Britain attempted to deal with an

unprecedented and unwelcome situation by carrying on as best as normal. Many

party members were not satisfied with their prevarications, and one result was

The Reasoner, a substantial duplicated magazine produced by party historians

John Saville and EP Thompson. The three issues of The Reasoner gave an outlet to

critical party members? feelings; for the leadership this was mutinous

behaviour. Dismayed by the party leaders? endorsement of the Soviet invasion of

Hungary, Saville and Thompson, along with thousands of others, resigned their

party membership.


Although The Reasoner has been mentioned in many historical studies, its text

has never been republished until now. This book reproduces all three issues,

together with key CPGB statements on the issues that the magazine raised. John

McIlroy has provided an extensive introduction that investigates the history of

intellectuals within the CPGB and an essay that analyses the political evolution

of John Saville, and Paul Flewers has provided an essay that assesses EP

Thompson?s views on Stalinism and the Soviet experience.




1.  Preface

2.  Chronology

3.  John McIlroy, Communist Intellectuals and 1956: John Saville, Edward

Thompson and The Reasoner

4.  Documents I ? Harry Pollitt, Rajani Palme Dutt, George Matthews, John

Saville, EP Thompson, Derek Kartun, CPGB Political Committee

5.  The Reasoner, No 1

6.  The Reasoner, No 2

7.  Documents II ? CPGB Political and Executive Committee on The Reasoner

8.  The Reasoner, No 3

9.  Ronald Meek, The Marxist-Leninist?s Song

10.  John McIlroy, John Saville and Stalinism: An Exploration

11.  Paul Flewers, E P Thompson and the Soviet Experience

12.  Index


Paul Flewers is the author of The New Civilisation? Understanding Stalin?s

Soviet Union 1929-1941 and an editor of Revolutionary History.


John McIlroy is a Professor of Employment Relations at Middlesex University

Business School.


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