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Materialism in Ancient Greek Philosophy and in the Writings of the Young Marx. Tony Burns
Vygotsky on Language and Social Consciousness: Underpinning the Use of Voloshinov in the Study of Popular Protest. Chik Collins
Marxism, ‘Manufactured Uncertainty’ and Progressivism: A Response to Giddens. Paul Wetherly
Marx’s ‘Truly Social’ Labour Theory of Value: Part II, How Is Labour that Is Under the Sway of Capital Actually Abstract? Patrick Murray
The Interconnection of Systematic Dialectics and Historical Materialism. Geert Reuten
Mobilisation and Class Struggle: A Reply to Gall. John Kelly
Debating Mobilisation, Class Struggle and the Left: A Response to a Reply. Gregor Gail
An Interview with Slavoj Zizek
Perry Anderson and the End of History. Paul Blackledge
After Adorno: Art, Autonomy, and Critique. John Roberts
The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture (3 vols.) Manuel Castells. Noel Castree
Farewell to an Idea: Episodes from a History of Modernism. Andrew Hemingway and Paul Jaskot
Art in Bourgeois Society. Paul B. Jaskot