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Rethinking Structure and Conjuncture in Althusser. Panagiotis Sotiris
The Comintern in 1922.The Periphery Pushes Back. John Riddell
‘Freedom of Discussion Inside the Party Is Absolutely Necessary’. KPD Chairperson Ernst Meyer and Party Democracy, 1921–2. Florian Wilde
Lenin, Bolshevism, and Social-Democratic Political Theory.The 1905 and 1917 Soviets. John Marot
Bankers, Finance Capital and the French Revolutionary Terror (1791–94). Henry Heller
‘A Strange Mixture of Guevara and Togliatti’. José María Aricó and the Pasado y Presente Group in Argentina. Daniel Gaido and Constanza Bosch Alessio
Reassessing the Nazi War Economy and the Origins of the Second World War. An Introduction to a Symposium on Adam Tooze’s The Wages of Destruction. Alexander Anievas
Wages of Destruction? A Reappraisal. Karl Heinz Roth
Building the Nazi Economy. Adam Tooze and a Cultural Critique of Hitler’s Plans for War. Paul B. Jaskot
The Third Reich as Rogue Regime. Adam Tooze’s Wages of Destruction. Dylan Riley
The Sense of a Vacuum. A Response. Adam Tooze
Carl Schmitt’s ‘Hegel and Marx’. James Furner
Kurz, a Journey into Capitalism’s Heart of Darkness. Anselm Jappe
Satanic Mills: On Robert Kurz. Esther Leslie
Book review: Ceti medi senza futuro? Scritti, appunti sul lavoro e altro , written by Sergio Bologna
Book review: Vita da freelance. I lavoratori della conoscenza e il loro futuro , written by Sergio Bologna and Dario Banfi
Book review: Felici e sfruttati. Capitalismo digitale ed eclissi del lavoro , written by Carlo Formenti
Book review: Marxism and World Politics: Contesting Global Capitalism , written by Alexander Anievas