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Tom Bunyard – Debord, Time and History
Paul Blackledge – Editorial Introduction
John Haldon – Framing the Early Middle Ages
Neil Davidson – Centuries of Transition
Chris Harman – Chris Wickham’s Framing the Early Middle Ages
Jairus Banaji – Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages: What Kind of Transition?
Kelvin Knight – Agency and Ethics, Past and Present
John Moreland – Land and Power from Roman Britain to Anglo-Saxon England?
Carlos Astarita – Peasant-Based Societies in Chris Wickham’s Thought
Chris Wickham – The Problems of Comparison
Susan Spronk,Jeffery R. Webber,George Ciccariello-Maher,Roland Denis,Steve Ellner,Sujatha Fernandes,Michael A. Lebowitz,Sara Motta,Thomas Purcell – The Bolivarian Process in Venezuela: A Left Forum
Daniel Gaido,Lucas Poy – A la conquista de la clase obrera: Los comunistas y el mundo del trabajo en la Argentina, 1920-1935 Historia del trotskismo en Argentina y América Latina Marx en la Argentina: Sus primeros lectores obreros, intelectuales y científicos
Giorgio Cesarale – Marx e Hegel. Contributi a una rilettura
Geoff Kennedy – Citizens to Lords: A Social History of Western Political Thought From Antiquity to the Middle Ages
Victor Wallis – Electrification
Notes on Contributors
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