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The non-history of capitalism. Ellen Meiksins Wood
Some reflections on two books by Ellen Wood. Colin Barker
On making-up and breaking-up: woman and ware, craving and corpse in Walter Benjamin’s Arcades Project. Esther Leslie
The law of value and the analysis of underdevelopment. John Weeks
The neoclassical and Marxian theories of technology: a comparison and critical assessment. Tony Smith
The silences of Capital. Michael A Lebowitz
A note on alienation. John Holloway
Globalisation: states, markets and class relations. Peter Burnham
The rate of profit and economic stagnation in the United States economy. Fred Moseley
Not Yet: Reconsidering Ernst Bloch. Matthew Beaumont
The Making of New World Slavery: From the Baroque to the Modern. Peter Linebaugh
The Transformation of the Year One Thousand: The Village of Lournand from Antiquity to Feudalism. Benno Teschke