Book Reviews
While our journal no longer carries a reviews section, and shorter reviews are now featured on our website, Historical Materialism welcomes articles addressing key contemporary interventions in critical Marxist theory or literature reviews that seek to provide critical surveys of contemporary debates. The word length and criteria for these articles, including the peer-review process, are the same as for other submissions to the journal.
If you are interested in writing articles that critically address recent volumes in critical Marxist theory or critical literature reviews please contact the editorial board in advance with information about the volume(s) under consideration and a short abstract (250 words) outlining your argument.
If you are interested in submitting a shorter review, about a recent Marxist publication to the website, please send us your submission directly to
White Energy Workers of the North, Unite? A Review of Huber’s Climate Change as Class War
by Michael Levien
A Review of Revising the Revolution
: The Unmaking of Russia’s Official History of 1917 by Larry E. Holmes
Ruth Fischer: The Ongoing Fascination of the Ultra-left
A Review of Ruth Fischer: Ein Leben mit und gegen Kommunisten (1895–1961) by Mario Keßler
Wherefore Art Thou Socialism?
A Review of Searching for Socialism: The Project of the Labour New Left from Benn to Corbyn by Leo Panitch and Colin Leys
Ukraine 1917: Socialism and Nationalism in a World Turned Upside Down
A Review of The Workers’ Movement and the National Question in Ukraine, 1897–1918, by Marko Bojcun
A Review of Revolutionary Social Democracy: Working-Class Politics Across the Russian Empire (1882–1917) by Eric Blanc
Ronald Grigor Suny
Towards a History of the Trotskyist Tendencies after Trotsky
A Review of Memoirs of a Critical Communist: Towards a History of the Fourth International by Livio Maitan
A Review of A Political Biography of Arkadij Maslow, 1891–1941: Dissident Against His Will by Mario Kessler
Daniel Gaido
Real Abstraction and the Real Break between Marx and Hegel
A Review of Un parricidio compiuto by Roberto Finelli
Losurdo’s ‘Stalin’: the debate between Jean-Jacques Marie and Domenico Losurdo
‘Gulag socialism’ writes Jean-Jacques Marie. ‘Primitive thinking’ replies Domenico Losurdo. We publish here a review by Jean-Jacques Marie (contributor to La Quinzaine littéraire and head of the Centre d’études et de recherche sur les mouvements trotskistes et révolutionnaires internationaux) of Domenico Losurdo’s book Staline, histoire et critique d’une légende noire, along with Losurdo’s response.