Geert Reuten
Biographical Note
Scholars and advanced students in political economy, economics, political science, social geography, sociology, and the philosophy of these sciences, and readers interested in a synthetic exposition of the capitalist system.
Table of Contents
Systematic-dialectical exposition by chapter Preface
General introduction
Part 1 The capitalist economy
1 The capitalist mode of production – the capitalist economy in general
2 Accumulation of capital
3 Finance of enterprises – the macroeconomic pre-validation and validation of production
4 Market interaction and stratified production
5 The cyclical over-accumulation and destruction of capital – business cycles
Part 2 The capitalist state
Introduction to part two: the capitalist state
6 The granting of capitalist economic rights – the capitalist state in general
7 Furthering the conditions for the accumulation of capital
8 State expenditure and its finance – effects on macroeconomic surplus-value and on the distribution of income and wealth
9 The imposition of competition
10 The reach of the capitalist state
Part 3 The international capitalist system
11 The international capitalist system
Part 4 Summary and additions
12 General summary and conclusions
13 Synopsis of the main systematic moments of the capitalist system
14 An outline of systematic dialectics – General appendix
List of symbols, abbreviations, signs and equations
Glossary of field-specific terms
Index of names
Index of subjects
Index of main empirical graphs and tables