Evgeny A. Preobrazhensky
Biographical Note
Richard B. Day. Ph.D. (1970), University of London, is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Toronto, Canada. He has published extensively on Soviet economic and political history, including Leon Trotsky and the Politics of Economic Isolation (Cambridge, 1973); a translation of Preobrazhensky’s The Decline of Capitalism (M.E. Sharpe, 1985); and Volume I of The Preobrazhensky Papers (Brill, 2014) with Mikhail M. Gorinov. Mikhail Gorinov, Ph.D., is an historian of political struggles within the Russian Communist Party during the 1920s. He is co-editor of Preobrazhensky’s works in Russian and has published several works on Preobrazhensky’s political life, co-edited The History of Russia: The Twentieth Century (Heron Press, 1996), and contributed to The People’s War: Responses to World War II in the Soviet Union (University of Illinois Press, 2000. Sergei Tsakunov, Ph.D., is an economist specialising in Russian economic theory during the 1920s. He is co-editor of Preobrazhensky’s works in Russian and author of In the Labyrinth of Doctrine (Rossiya Molodaya, 1994). He has published chapters on NEP in several Russian journals and books, including Volume 1 of Soviet Society (Rosiiskii gos. gumanitarnyi universitet, 1997), and History of the Motherland (Politizdat Moskva, 1991).
This book will be of interest to developmental economists, historians of the Russian revolution, and students of Marxism and socialist theory.
Table of Contents
Foreword to the First Edition
Part 1 [Socialist and Communist Conceptions of Socialism]
Introduction to Part 1: Socialist and Communist Conceptions of Socialism
[1] The Great Utopians
1 Saint-Simon
2 Fourier
3 Étienne Cabet
4 Robert Owen
[2] The Communists
1 August Blanqui
2 The Parisian Dictatorship
3 Marx and Engels
[3] French Syndicalism
1 Against the State
2 Against Parliamentarism
3 The Way beyond Capitalism. The General Strike
4 Preparing for a New Society within the Old One
5 The Period of Transition to Communism
6 The Future Society
7 Anti-imperialism and Anti-militarism
8 Syndicalism, Revisionism and Marxism
9 The Syndicalists and Bolshevism
Part 2 [Foundations of a Theory of the Soviet Economy]
4 On the Method of Theoretical Analysis of the Soviet Economy
1 The Marxist Method of Political Economy
2 Political Economy and Social Technology
3 The Method of Studying the Commodity-Socialist System of Economy
5 The Law of Primitive Socialist Accumulation
1 Primitive Capitalist and Primitive Socialist Accumulation
2 The Struggle between Two Laws
6 The Law of Value in the Soviet Economy
1 General Observations
2 The Law of Value and Monopoly Capitalism
3 The Law of Value with Socialisation of Industry in a Peasant Country
4 The Commodity, the Market and Prices
5 Surplus Value, Surplus Product, and Wages
6 The Category of Profit in the State Economy
7 The Category of Rent
8 Interest and the Credit System
9 Cooperation
Appendix 1: Foreword to the Second Edition
Appendix 2: Once Again on Socialist Accumulation
Appendix 3: Reply to Comrades Karev and Kapitonov
Appendix 4: Debate on the Report of Comrade Preobrazhensky on ‘The Law of Value in the Soviet Economy’
Appendix 5: Economic Notes. On the Benefits of a Theoretical Study of the Soviet Economy
Appendix 6: Declaration of E.A. Preobrazhensky to the Presidium of the XV Conference of the All-Union Communist Party(B)
Biographical Index