Neil Redfern
Biographical Note
All interested in labour history, twentieth century history, social reform, imperialism, women’s history and/or the two world wars.
Table of Contents
1 Rallying Round the Flag
1 The Labour Movement and the War
2 Mustering the Masses for War
3 The End of the Road for Liberalism?
4 The Discontents and Demands of the Labour Movement
5 ‘Dilution’ and the Mobilisation of Women
2 Labour’s Unrest and Capital’s Promises
1 Conscriptions and ‘Conchies’
2 Social Patriots and (a few) Internationalists
3 Labour Unrest and (eventual) Government Response
4 Strikes, Shop Stewards and Revolutionaries
5 A Better World Coming?
6 More Strikes, More Shop Stewards and Some Revolutionaries
3 1919: A ‘Red Year’?
1 A Revolutionary Situation in Britain?
2 Expanding the Franchise: Suffragettes, Suffragists and the Labour Party
3 Labourists, Feminists and Socialists: Labour’s New Platform
4 The Labour Movement in the General Election of 1918
5 1919: A Tumultuous but not ‘Red Year’ in Lancashire
6 Housing Reform and the Municipal Elections of 1919
7 The Post-War Crisis, the Working Class, and the Empire
4 Rallying Round the Flag Again
1 An Imperialist War in Anti-Fascist Clothing
2 The Crisis of 1940
3 Building a Labour-Capital Pact
4 Never Again! The Early Growth of Popular Reform Sentiment
5 Dissent and Discontent in the Working Class and in the Labour Movement
6 Joint Production Committees: A ‘Nazi System of Labour Organisation’?
7 Out of the Kitchen Again: Mobilising Women to ‘do their bit’
8 Not Counting the Colonies: The Labour Movement and the Empire
9 A Social-Imperialist Surge for Reform
5 Building the Social-Imperialist Settlement
1 Beveridge Promises a New World
2 The ‘Old Gang’ Takes an Ideological and Political Beating
3 A Resurgence of Industrial Unrest
4 A Touch on the Reform Accelerator
5 More Promises, More Unrest, More Discontent
6 Social Imperialism Triumphant: The Last Phase of the War
7 Labour to Power: The End of the War and the General Election
Conclusion and Postscript