Eugen Varga
Biographical Note
Eugen Varga (1879-1964) was one of the most prominent writers on economic affairs in the USSR.
André Mommen (1945–2017) was a Belgian political economist, editor and author. He authored many books and essays, including a biography of Varga, Stalin’s Economist (Routledge, 2011).
Historians of the Soviet Union, students of Marxist political economy, and anyone concerned with Russian Marxism, the history of Communism in Hungary, or Stalinism.
Table of Contents
Preface ix
Abbreviations xi
Tables xii
About Translations, Transliteration and References xxiv
Eugen Varga: An Introduction to His Life and Works 1
André Mommen
part 1
The Hungarian Councils’ Republic (1919)
Introduction to Part 1 117
1 Political-Economic Problems of the Proletarian Dictatorship 118
part 2
The Comintern Years (1920–38)
Introduction to Part 2 241
2 The International Situation: A Study of Capitalism in Collapse
(Presented to the Moscow Congress, 1921) by Leon Trotsky and Prof.
E. Varga 242
3 Economic Basis of Imperialism in the us of North America 262
4 The Economic Crisis of Germany 286
5 The Crisis of the Capitalist World Economy 343
6 The Situation of the World Economy and the Evolution of the World
Economic Policy during the Last Three Years 393
7 The Process of Capitalist Decline (Report to the Fourth Congress of
the Communist International) 414
8 The Decline of Capitalism 463
9 Introduction to: Materials on the Situation of the Peasant Movement
in the Most Important Countries 544
10 The Decline of Capitalism: The Economics of a Period of the Decline
of Capitalism after Stabilisation 548
11 Accumulation and Breakdown of Capitalism 661
12 The Great Crisis and Its Political Consequences: Economics and
Politics 1928–34 700
part 3
The General Crisis of Capitalism (1939–64)
13 The Imperialist Struggle for a New Redivision of the World 907
14 Changes in Capitalism during the War 922
15 Plans for Currency Stabilisation 933
16 World Currency Headache 936
17 Toward a New Crash? 939
18 The General Crisis of Capitalism (Features of the Home and Foreign
Policy of the Capitalist Countries during the Epoch of the General
Crisis of Capitalism) 946
19 Democracy of a New Type 959
20 Anglo-American Rivalry and Partnership: A Marxist View 971
21 The Increased Role of the State in the Economy of the Capitalist
Countries 984
22 The Impoverishment Tendencies in the War Economy of the
Capitalist Countries 1003
23 Concentration and Centralisation of Production and Capital during
the War 1020
24 Economic Regulation and Absence of Planning in the Capitalist
Countries during the War 1035
25 Towards an Economic Crisis in the usa 1050
26 Crisis Hits the usa 1057
27 Problems of the Postwar Industrial Cycle and the New Crisis of
Overproduction 1061
28 The Problem of Inter-imperialist Contradictions and War 1088
29 Changes in the Reproduction Cycle Following the Second World
War 1097
30 Problems of State-Monopoly Capitalism 1127
Bibliography 1147
Index 1175