Francesca Antonini, Aaron Bernstein, Lorenzo Fusaro, and Robert Jackson (eds)
Revisiting Gramsci’s Notebooks offers a rich collection of historical, philosophical, and political studies addressing the thought of Antonio Gramsci, one of the most significant intellects of the twentieth century. Based on thorough analyses of Gramsci’s texts, these interdisciplinary investigations engage with ongoing debates in different fields of study. They are exciting evidence of the enduring capacity of Gramsci’s thought to generate and nurture innovative inquiries across diverse themes.
Gathering scholars from different continents, the volume represents a global network of Gramscian thinkers from early-career researchers to experienced scholars. Combining rigorous explication of the past with a strategic analysis of the present, these studies mobilise underexplored resources from the Gramscian toolbox to confront the actuality of our ‘great and terrible’ world.
Contributors include: F. Antonini, A. Bernstein, D. Boothman, W. Buddharaksa, T. Chino, R. Ciavolella, C. Conelli, A. Crézégut, V. Cuppi, Y. Douet, A. Freeland, F. Frosini, L. Fusaro, R. Jackson, A. Loftus, S. Meret, S. Neubauer, A. Panichi, I. Pohn-Lauggas, R. Roccu, B. Settis, A. Showstack Sassoon, A. Suceska, P.D. Thomas, N. Vandeviver, M.N. Wróblewska.
Biographical Note
Francesca Antonini, Ph.D. (2015) is Early Career Fellow in Intellectual History at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germany). Her first monograph (Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci: Hegemony and the Crisis of Modernity) is forthcoming with Brill.
Aaron Bernstein received his Ph.D in European Studies at King’s College London (2016). He is the editor of Gramsci and the German Crisis 1929-34, forthcoming with Brill, and is currently writing a monograph provisionally entitled, From the Theses on Feuerbach to the Philosophy of Praxis: Marx, Gramsci, Philosophy and Politics, also forthcoming with Brill.
Lorenzo Fusaro, Ph.D. in IPE (King’s College London, 2013), is Associate Professor of Political Economy at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico. He is the author of diverse works, including Crises and Hegemonic Transitions. From Gramsci’s Quaderni to the Contemporary World Economy (Brill, 2019).
Robert Jackson, Ph.D. (2013), is Lecturer in Politics at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. He has published in Science & Society, the International Gramsci Journal, and Gramsciana, and in the edited volumes Subjectivity and the Political (Routledge, 2017) The Meanings of Violence (Routledge, 2018).
All interested in the thought of Antonio Gramsci and the history of Marxist thought in the twentieth century, and anyone concerned with the diverse use of Gramscian concepts across disciplines.
Table of Contents
Foreword Acknowledgements Note on the Text Notes on Contributors
Introduction: Gramsci Past and Present Francesca Antonini, Aaron Bernstein, Lorenzo Fusaro and Robert Jackson
Part 1 Global Gramsci: Gramscian Geographies
1 Gramsci as a Historical Geographical Materialist Alex Loftus
2 Neoliberalism as Passive Revolution? Insights from the Egyptian Experience Roberto Roccu
3 The Old Is Dying and the New Cannot Be Born: ‘Past and Present’ of Thailand’s Organic Crisis Watcharabon Buddharaksa
Part 2 Language and Translation
4 Gramsci: Structure of Language, Structure of Ideology Derek Boothman
5 Hegemonic Language: The Politics of Linguistic Phenomena Alen Sućeska
6 Translations of Gramsci’s Texts into Polish: A Gramscian Analysis Marta Natalia Wróblewska
Part 3 Gramsci and the Marxian Legacy
7 Time and Revolution in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks Fabio Frosini
8 From Marx’s Diesseitigkeit to Gramsci’s terrestrità assoluta Aaron Bernstein
9 Interpreting the Present from the Past: Gramsci, Marx and the Historical Analogy Francesca Antonini
Part 4 Subalternity between Pre-modernity and Modernity
10 We Good Subalterns Peter D. Thomas
11 Subalternity and the National-Popular: A Brief Genealogy of the Concepts Anne Freeland
12 What Can We Learn from Gramsci Today? Migrant Subalternity and the Refugee Movements: Perspectives from the Lampedusa in Hamburg Susi Meret
Part 5 Postcolonial and Anthropological Approaches
13 Back to the South: Revisiting Gramsci’s Southern Question in the Light of Subaltern Studies Carmine Conelli
14 Gramsci and Foucault in Counterpoint Nicolas Vandeviver
15 The Changing Meanings of People’s Politics: Gramsci and Anthropology from the History of Subaltern Classes to Contemporary Political Subjects Riccardo Ciavolella
Part 6 Culture, Ideology, Religion
16 Religion, Common Sense, and Good Sense in Gramsci Takahiro Chino
17 Past and Present: Popular Literature Ingo Pohn-Lauggas
18 The Mummification of Culture in Gramsci’s Prison Notebooks Robert Jackson
Part 7 Historical Capitalism and World History
19 Gramsci and the Rise of Capitalism Yohann Douet
20 The Gramscian Moment in International Political Economy Lorenzo Fusaro
21 Rethinking Fordism Bruno Settis
Part 8 Readings of Gramsci
22 Between Belonging and Originality: Norberto Bobbio’s Interpretation of Gramsci Alessio Panichi
23 The Diffusion of Gramsci’s Thought in the ‘Peripheral West’ of Latin America Valentina Cuppi
24 An Imaginary Gramscianism? Early French Gramscianism and the Quest for ‘Marxist Humanism’ (1947–65) Anthony Crézégut
25 Althusser, Gramsci and Machiavelli: Encounters and Mis-encounters Sebastian Neubauer